
MobiDE 2012
11th International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
May 20th, 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA (in conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS 2012)

Call for Papers
Topics of Interest
Camera Ready
Accepted Papers
Keynote talks

Conference info:

Previous workshops:
MobiDE 2011
MobiDE 2010
MobiDE 2009
MobiDE 2008
MobiDE 2007
MobiDE 2006
MobiDE 2005
MobiDE 2003
MobiDE 2001
MobiDE 1999

Camera-Ready Instructions:

Camera-ready papers must follow the ACM Proceedings Format.

LaTeX and Word templates are available at:

Your submission must include ACM Computing Classification categories and keywords, and should follow the same formatting guidelines as SIGMOD papers. Detailed instructions can be found at:

Your submission must be an ACM compliant PDF file. In particular, all fonts must be embedded. The detailed formatting instructions also include instructions on how to create compliant PDFs.

Camera-ready submissions must include the ACM permission block, conference location and copyright line in the lower left corner of the first page. 

The conference and copyright information should look like this:

MobiDE '12, May 20, 2012 Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Copyright © 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1442-8/12/05 ...$10.00

The page  limit is 8 papes for full papers and 5 pages for short papers.

Camera-ready PDFs must be submitted through the MobiDE 2012 CMT site:

Please name your file mobide12_paperID.pdf, where paperID  is the ID of the paper.

The deadline for submitting the camera-ready version is 11:59pm PST on Monday, April 23, 2012.

SIGMOD Plenary Poster Session

This year accepted workshop papers can appear in a plenary poster session as part of the main SIGMOD conference program. In this session,
workshop authors who have registered for the main conference will be given an opportunity to present their works to the
SIGMOD/PODS conference audience. Participation in the plenary poster session is optional.

Authors that wish to participate in the SIGMOD plenary poster session should register their  posters through the webiste:

Note that only papers  that are confirmed by May 8th will have guaranteed space in the poster plenary session