Georges Brun-Cottan

43, Burnham Street Apt C2 Belmont 02478-1268 - MA USA Tel: (617) 489-0989 (home) (781) 736-2728 (office) E-mail : WWW : Age: 36 (born september 27, 1962) Married, 2 children, French citizen, French ``National Service'' fulfilled.
Available: October 1st, 1999

Interested in the design and the implementation of distributed environments, especially regarding the following aspects: replication, concurrency, consistency, group communication, objects, adaptability, reflexivity and fault-tolerance.


Ph.D. Thesis (1992-1998): Prototyping a distributed environment for concurrent replicated objects based on a library of consistency protocols and shared objects. Implementation of a name service and a group communication platform. GNU Emacs extended to support shared, distributed, replicated buffers.

System Architect at ErgoSum (November 1990 to November 1991). Integration of high-tech graphics cards (Myfra, Kofax), DON juke-box, X-25 communication card and NOVELL network into ErgoSum products. Developed an interface for PC/Bull mainframes.

Magistère - Internship (July to September 1991) - ErgoSum: Implementation of hypertext mechanism in DOXIS, a textual DBMS.

Military service (October 1989 to October 1990): Developer at Surveillance Industrielle de l'ARmement de Paris (SIAR/DPA - Ministère de la défense). DBase3 and DBase4 administration and programming.

Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades/Réanimation d'Argenteuil : Implementation of a Computer Aided Diagnosis system (Nil Lisp on Vax/VMS).

Development of device drivers, INSERM U92, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Marine - Paris 6.

Administration of a Tops network (MacIntosh/PC), INSERM U92 and Institut de Biogéochimie Marine.

Data modeling, interpretation and programming of statistics on Mucoviscidosis with INSERM U92 laboratory (Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades), part-time from 1982 to 1989.


Ph.D. in Computer Science, SOR group (Systèmes à Objets Répartis) - INRIA and Paris 6, 1998.

Master's in Computer Systems. (DEA de Systèmes Informatiques, Paris 6 university, 1992)

Magistère d'informatique (MIAIF), Paris 5 and 6 university, 1992

Bachelor's in Computer Science (Maîtrise de Systèmes Informatiques, Paris 6, 1991

DCEM2 (4th year of Medicine studies), Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris 5 university, 1988


C++ professional teaching for ENPC (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) and Gréco Informatique (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) to various companies (INRETS and Sextant Avionique).

Practicals in distributed systems (for Université Paris Dauphine and ENSTA) : bachelor's and engineering degree.

Computer science and programming introductory courses for medical students.

Technical Skills

Systems: 5 years of system programming on Unix (SunOS, DEC/OSF-1, Sony NewsOS). 10 years programming on MS/DOS (device drivers, assembler interface, TSR), 3 years programming on VAX/VMS (C, Nil-Lisp), 5 years programming on Apple II (Pascal, assembler, interface P-System/assembler).

System administration (5 years): Heterogeneous network of Unix workstations (BSD and System V) in possibly disconnected mode. Installation of numerous softwares on Unix.

Languages: 10 years programming in C++, C, Pascal and various assemblers (iAPx86, 6502, 68xxx, Sparc); 2 years programming in Nil-Lisp, 5 years in Emacs Lisp. Familiar with various Unix shells (sh, csh, bash), Unix tools (yacc, lex, sed, awk...), LATEX and HTML. Enjoyed a few months' experience with Smalltalk.

Network: 5 years programming TCP/UDP/IP, BSD sockets and RPC (group communication and name service). 2 years programming System V IPCs. Knowledge of Isis and Horus.

Concurrent programming: 5 years programming and debugging multitasking environments (DCE, Posix and Sun LWP threads).

Standards: DCE, CORBA, X/OPEN, COSS Object Transaction Services and Concurrency Control.


Cohérence de données répliquées partagées par un groupe de processus coopérant à distance (Coherence of Shared Replicated Data within Groups of Remote Cooperating Processes) - Ph.D Thesis, Paris 6 University.

Ordonnanceur réparti adaptable pour la réplication active de types de donnée abstraits (Adaptable Distributed Scheduler for Active Replication of Abstract Data Types) , Journées CSAS sur l'adaptabilité, Rennes, Avril 1997.

Adaptable Replicated Objects in Distributed Environments, with Mesaac Makpangou, 2nd BROADCAST Open Workshop, Grenoble (France), July 1995. Also Rapport de recherche INRIA, RR-2593, May 1995.

Unification des paradigmes de partage en environnement réparti (Unifying Sharing Paradigms in Distributed Settings), With Mesaac Makpangou. Premier colloque Africain de la recherche en informatique (CARI), Yaoundé (Cameroun), 1992.

Mise en oeuvre d'objets fragmentés répliqués à politique pessimiste (Implementation of Replicated Fragmented Objects using Pessimistic Strategies), mémoire de DEA, projet SOR, septembre 1992.


French: mother tongue. Spoken and written English.