Visual Illusions On-line

Museum of Science exhibit (link does not work)

Spiral Spin ! (by Mark Newbold). This remarkable effect makes things move. You need a Java-enabled browser. After the exposure to the rotating spiral, you may look not only at the test picture, but at other things like your own hand :-) (A couple of alternative links (one, two), although none of them is as pretty as the one by Mark Newbold.)

The McCollough Effect. What is interesting about this effect is that it lasts for hours, after you look at the colored picture for about 4 minutes. The page also contains some tools allowing you to modify the stimuli.

One of the static pictures which move. Apparently, neurodynamics here is such that oscillation in the neural system occur.

Akiyoshi Kitaoka's illusion pages. Very elegant, especially motion illusions.

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