Log in with Windows

  1. Install the SSH Secure Shell Client.
  2. Open the Secure Shell Client:

  3. open Secure Shell Client

  4. Click on "Quick Connect"

  5. Open Quick Connect

  6. Fill in the prompt as follows:
    1. Host name: coeus.cs.brandeis.edu
      User name: enter the name assigned to you by the Computer Science department.
      Port number: 22
      Authentication Method: Password.
    Once all that is set, click "Connect".


  7. A screen asking you to "save the new host key to the local database" will appear --click "yes".
  8. At the prompt, enter the password assigned to you by the Computer Science department.
  9. You should now see a screen that looks something like this:

  10. connected screen

  11. Congratulations! You're connected!