JOSÉ M. CASTAÑO Selected Publications

Global Index Grammars (GIGs) and Languages (GILs):

Ph.D. Thesis: Global Index Languages [ Postscript ] [ PDF ]

GIGs: Restricted context-sensitive power in bounded polynomial-time
In Proceedings of CICLING 2003, Mexico City, February 16-22, 2003. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, 4th International Conference, CICLing 2003, Mexico City, Mexico, February 16-22, 2003, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2588 Springer 2003, ISBN 3-540-00532-3

On the Applicability of Global Index Grammars
In Proceedings of the ACL-2003 Student Research Workshop Sapporo, Japan.

LR parsing for Global Index Grammars
In Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA 2003), July 16-18, 2003 Santa Barbara, CA, USA
[ Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2759 ]

Global Index Grammars and Descriptive Power [ Postscript ][ PDF ]
Mathematics of Language, Bloomington, Indiana. June, 2003.

MEDSTRACT (Co-author).

Spanish clitics and Generative Lexicon.

Spanish Dative Clitics: Event and Opposition Structure.[ Postscript ] [ PDF ]
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. P. Bouillon and K. Kanzaki (eds.) 2001. Geneva, Switzerland.

The Spanish Clitic SE: Ambiguity, Underspecification and Co-composition.[ Postscript ] [ PDF ]
In "Paths and Telicity in Event Structure." G. Carlson, H. Filip (eds.). ESSLLI 2000.

Spanish Clitics and Event Structure. [ Postscript ]
In "Lexical Semantics and Linking in Constraint-Based Theories." V. Kordoni (ed.) ESSLLI 1999.