Title: Generative Design, from Forming to Transforming

Prof. Celestino Soddu
Milan Polytechnic, Dep. Scienze del Territorio, Italy

Wednesday, April 25, Volen 101, 11:00-12:00 pm

Generative design uses principles of evolutionary computation to create endless sequence of different architectures, industrial objects, artworks, all unpredictable but all recognizable as belonging to the same idea, to the same needs, to the same transforming process. This is the most advanced approach and methodology for the field of design. We will present several generative projects working in real time: Basilica, a generative project able to generate an endless sequence of architecture, all different but all belonging to the same Idea and fitting the customer requests. A new approach to architecture, demonstrating the evolutionary process from classic to renaissance paradigms controlled by artificial life. Argenia, a generative design of industrial objects, in which a DNA of artificial ware was used to produce, with the present industrial devices, unique objects, each one different but recognizable by the Idea, as natural ware are recognizable by the species. Generative Art, an experimentation of using evolutionary devices to increase, control and represent 3D woman portraits.

Prof. Celestino Soddu has been a faculty in various Italian Universities since 1971 in the fields architectural and environmental design. Beginning in 1979, his research has been about the dynamic evolution of architecture, and since 1986, he has been designing software which uses generative principles in design. He organized the Generative Art Conferences in 1998 and 1999. See http://www.generativedesign.com for more information.

Host: Jordan Pollack