get to the source code

This project is a simple 3D wireframe viewer:

you can type in any URL address of a wireframe object file into the upper textfield and hit return, the image will be loaded, then you can choose to move ,rotate or project the object. note that:

1) in the moving section, -Z will make the object lighter and lighter since the object is moving away from us, conversely, +z will make the object clearer and cleaer. for best result, you should try -Z first, then +Z.

2) the projection is defaulted to be perspective projection onto z=d plane, a dialog will be poped up for you to type in the distance. The distance must be an integer.

3)when loading a new file, If the URL address you typed in is wrong, an error message will be given.

4)You have to stop one simulation first before starting another one, if you cann't start an action when hit a button, one possible reason is another simulation is running.

5)Here are some object files you can use:

the best file for projection is hughes_500.obj.

---by Yan Luo