... 1.1
An extension of the ``generate-and-test'' concept [102], with the additional token of iterated generation (regeneration) based on the previous ones.
... Lego2.1
Lego is a registered trademark of the Lego group.
... definition2.2
AI is ``the study of how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people do better'' [115, p. 3]
... one2.3
The tree is traversed in depth-first order. The descendants of a node are represented as a list, which determines the order of expansion, so there is a well-defined order in which bricks are laid down.
... values2.4
According to table 2.1, and assuming \( \text {G}=9.8m/s^{2} \), the values of \( \kappa _{1},\ldots ,\kappa _{6} \) are respectively: 405, 1960, 3500, 6144, 11000 and 13520 \( \text {lw}\beta \text {G} \).
... tools2.5
PTC's Pro/Engineer software, whose CAD tool can generate output for the mechanical simulator, Pro/Mechanica, is an example.
... sensors3.1
Sensor ``E'', which point backwards, sees the agent's own trace as an immediate obstacle, so it always returns 1.0.
... page3.2
... in3.3
Averaging 100 thousand games per year (0.2 per minute), the pace of human-agent interaction is between 3 and 4 orders of magnitude slower than our C code, capable of playing about 1000 games per minute.
... slow3.4
Our Java Tron uses a millisecond sleep instruction to pace the game, but different implementations of the Java Virtual Engine, on different browsers, seem to interpret it with dissimilar accuracies. The effect is more noticeable on machines with slow CPUs and old browsers.
... player3.5
Players who have either lost or won all their games cannot be rated, for they would have to be considered infinitely good or bad. Such players convey no information whatsoever to rank the others. Losing against a perfect player, for example, is trivial and has no information contents. Perfect winners/losers have occurred only on players with very little experience. There is one human (no. 228) who won all 37 games he/she played. Should we consider him/her the all-time champion? Perhaps. The present model does not comprehend the possibility of a perfect player. To eliminate noise, we only consider players with 100 games or more. All ``unrated'' players are below this threshold.
... genius.3.6
Or perhaps, a user with an old computer, running the applet below its normal speed.
... time3.7
In UNIX-style time units (number of seconds after 0:00 01/01/1970).
... robots)''3.8
M. Jacobs, 1998.
Pablo Funes