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Networks of Torque Propagation

Figure 2.4:3D Lego structure generated by our evolutionary process. The underlying physical model is shown.


Our model for a 2D structure of bricks generates a network, called a Network of Torque Propagation (NTP) consisting of nodes, joints and loads.

Each force, either the weight of one of the bricks or an external load, has to be absorbed by the joints in the structure and transmitted to the ground. The magnitude of the torque exerted by each joint j must lie in the interval [-Kj, Kj], where Kj represents its maximum capacity as deduced from table 2.1.

By separating each 3D joint into two orthogonal and independent 2D joints, which receive the x and y components of each force, we can project an entire 3D network model of a brick structure into two orthogonal planes, xz and yz, generating two 2D NTP's that can be solved separately (figs. 2.4 and 2.5). Thus the problem of solving a 3D network is reduced to that of solving 2D networks.

Figure 2.5: Projecting the 3D structure of fig. 2.4 to the xz and yz planes, two 2D networks are obtained that can be solved independently.

\resizebox*{0.47\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{lego/graph/fig1c.eps}} \resizebox*{0.47\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{lego/graph/fig1d.eps}}

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Pablo Funes