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Pseudocode of the Novelty Engine

Create a population \( P=\{p_{1},\ldots ,p_{1000}\} \) of random robots  
and a random training set T2 of t-f agents.

If option SEED is true,

fetch 100 best from main population

replace \( \{p_{901},\ldots ,p_{1000}\} \) with them

Fetch f best agents from the main server  
and call this group T1

Let g=0

Repeat forever

Let \( T=T_{1}\cup T_{2} \)

Play each \( a\in P \) against each \( a'\in T \)

Sort \( P=\{p_{1},\ldots ,p_{1000}\} \) according to eq. (3.2)

For i=1 to 500 
Select random \( a_{1},\, a_{2}\in \{p_{1},\ldots ,p_{500}\} \)and 
replace pi+500 with a random crossover of a1and a2

Let \( T'=\varnothing \), then for i=1 to t-f 
add a new agent to T' by eq. (3.3).  
Let T2=T'

Let g=g+1

If the main population has finished a new generation, then

Send \( \{p_{1},\ldots ,p_{10}\} \) to main population as next group of rookies

If \( g>\text {MAXGEN} \) then go to (Reset) else goto (Refetch)

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Pablo Funes