
Point and click on the CoreLex types to see the corresponding Instances as derived from WordNet.
abs : abstraction
acp : act attribute process psychological_feature state
acr : act attribute event relation state
acs : act state
act : act
aes : act event state
aev : act event
age : act causal_agent
agh : causal_agent human
agl : causal_agent location
agm : causal_agent animal
agp : causal_agent psychological_feature
agt : causal_agent
anf : animal food
anm : animal
ann : animal artifact natural_object
anp : animal psychological_feature
aqu : artifact quantity_definite quantity_indefinite
ara : artifact attribute psychological_feature state
arg : artifact group
arh : artifact human
arp : artifact psychological_feature state
art : artifact state
atc : attribute communication phenomenon psychological_feature state
ate : act attribute event psychological_feature state
atg : attribute group
atl : attribute location psychological_feature state
atp : attribute psychological_feature state
atr : attribute process state
avf : act artifact form
avl : act artifact location location_geographical
avr : act artifact event relation
avt : act artifact attribute event physical_object process state
caa : artifact attribute communication
cae : act artifact communication psychological_feature state
cea : act attribute communication event psychological_feature state
cel : cell
cha : artifact chemical substance
chf : chemical food
chm : chemical state
chp : chemical
coa : act communication event process psychological_feature relation state
coh : communication human
col : communication location_geographical
com : communication psychological_feature relation state
con : act consequence event
ent : entity
evs : event process state
evt : event
fac : act artifact food
fev : food group_social
fod : attribute food form natural_object quantity_indefinite state substance
frc : communication form psychological_feature
fre : act event form state
frm : attribute form state
frt : artifact attribute form location natural_object state
ftp : attribute food substance
gas : act communication event group_social psychological_feature state
gbp : group_biological psychological_feature
gbs : group_biological group_social
grb : group_biological
grp : group
grq : group_social quantity_definite
grs : group group_social state
gsa : act artifact attribute communication group group_social substance
gsl : group_social location_geographical
gsp : group_social psychological_feature state
hue : act event human state
hum : group group_social human natural_object
hup : human psychological_feature
lac : act location location_geographical
lap : artifact communication location psychological_feature state
lfr : life_form
lgg : group location_geographical
lme : linear_measure quantity_definite
loc : artifact location location_geographical possession state
log : artifact location_geographical natural_object
lon : location natural_object
lor : location_geographical relation
mea : measure
mic : microorganism
naa : artifact natural_object
nac : act artifact event natural_object
naf : form natural_object
naq : natural_object quantity_indefinite
nat : natural_object substance
pan : artifact natural_object substance
pap : act attribute possession psychological_feature
pas : act attribute possession relation state
pgb : group_biological
phm : act event phenomenon process relation state
pho : physical_object
php : event phenomenon psychological_feature
phs : phenomenon substance
pht : attribute phenomenon
plf : food
plt : food natural_object substance
poa : act communication event possession psychological_feature state
pom : act artifact attribute communication possession
poq : possession quantity_definite
pos : possession process psychological_feature state
prn : natural_object process
pro : process
prt : artifact attribute food form human natural_object part quantity_indefinite state substance
psa : act artifact possession
psg : act group psychological_feature
psr : possession relation
psy : event psychological_feature state
pya : act event psychological_feature relation state
qcc : quantity_definite state
qcs : communication quantity_definite state
qde : act quantity_definite
qie : act event quantity_indefinite
qud : quantity_definite
qui : quantity_indefinite
reg : group relation
rel : attribute human psychological_feature relation state
saa : artifact attribute substance
sas : act state substance
spc : space
spe : act space
sta : state
sub : substance
tme : group phenomenon quantity_definite state time
tmt : attribute time
tmv : act event time