ABSTRACT                                                                                                                                                            vi

List of Figures                                                                                                                                                     xiii

List of Equations                                                                                                                                                  xvi

List of Tables                                                                                                                                                        xvi

Chapter 1 -    Accretive and compositional change in natural and
artificial evolution                                                                                     1

1.1    Exchange between evolutionary biology and evolutionary computation                                          2

1.1.1    Gradualism and the probability of large adaptive changes                                                     2

1.1.2    Evolutionary adaptation and artificial optimisation methods                                                 3

1.2    Accretive and compositional mechanisms                                                                                           4

1.3    Complex systems with modular interdependency                                                                               7

1.3.1    Evolvability and algorithmic paradigms                                                                                     7

1.3.2    Modular interdependency                                                                                                          10

1.4    The (un)evolvability of systems with modular interdependecy                                                       14

1.5    Conditions for the adaptive advantage of composition                                                                      17

1.5.1    Composition based on sexual recombination                                                                          18

1.5.2    Composition based on symbiotic encapsulation                                                                    20

1.6    Impact for evolutionary biology and evolutionary computation                                                      22

1.7    Related issues                                                                                                                                         26

1.7.1    Related issues in Evolutionary Biology                                                                                   26

1.7.2    Related issues in Evolutionary Computation                                                                          28

1.8    Summary                                                                                                                                                  32

1.8.1    Motives, research questions, and claims                                                                                 32

1.8.2    Approach and outline of models                                                                                               33

1.8.3    Contributions                                                                                                                               35

1.8.4    Scope                                                                                                                                             36

1.8.5    Dissertation structure                                                                                                                 37

Chapter 2 -    Accretion and Composition in Evolutionary Biology                            40

2.1    The accretive model                                                                                                                               40

2.1.1    Successive slight modifications/ gradualism                                                                          40

2.1.2    Evolutionary difficulty under accretion                                                                                   42

2.1.3    Consequences of the accretive model                                                                                      47

2.2    Compositional mechanisms                                                                                                                  48

2.2.1    A spectrum of compositional mechanisms                                                                              48

2.2.2    Sexual recombination                                                                                                                  49

2.2.3    Interspecific genetic integration                                                                                                52

2.2.4    Compositional evolution                                                                                                            56

2.2.5    Is gradualism necessary and/or sufficient?                                                                             57

2.3    Other related mechanisms                                                                                                                   59

2.3.1    Large phenotypic changes from small genotypic changes: ontogenesis                           60

2.3.2    Mechanisms for large genetic changes within a lineage: Gene duplication                       61

2.3.3    Large changes within a lineage and self-similarity                                                                 61

2.3.4    Within a lineage vs between parallel lineages                                                                        62

2.4    Evolutionary difficulty under composition                                                                                         63

2.4.1    Transferring concepts of accretive difficulty (where possible)                                            63

2.5    Discussion                                                                                                                                               68

2.5.1    Single inheritance and multiple-inheritance                                                                             68

2.5.2    The rest of the genotype as a ‘backdrop’ vs important epistasis                                        71

2.5.3    Selection on interaction systems: Shifting Balance Theory                                                 72

2.5.4    Other species as a ‘backdrop’ vs important interspecific relationships                             74

2.5.5    Intragenomic dependencies and intergenomic dependencies                                              75

2.6    Summary                                                                                                                                                  75

Chapter 3 -    Accretion and Composition in Evolutionary Computation                    76

3.1    Evolutionary Algorithms                                                                                                                       76

3.1.1    Evolutionary algorithm basics                                                                                                   76

3.1.2    The Simple Genetic Algorithm                                                                                                   78

3.1.3    EAs as Evolutionary Models                                                                                                     80

3.2    Evolutionary difficulty for the Simple EA                                                                                          82

3.3    Compositional mechanisms in EAs                                                                                                     83

3.3.1    The operation of crossover                                                                                                        84

3.3.2    The Building block Hypothesis, BBH                                                                                      86

3.3.3    Algorithmic Principles - Divide-and-Conquer Problem Decomposition                              89

3.3.4    Mechanisms of encapsulation in EAs                                                                                      93

3.3.5    Other related divide and conquer methods                                                                             94

3.3.6    Explicit symbiosis/symbiogenesis models                                                                               96

3.3.7    Summary of existing methods                                                                                                  100

3.4    Evolutionary difficulty under compositional mechanisms                                                            101

3.4.1    Difficulties of building block processing under recombination                                         101

3.4.2    Schema disruption: genetic linkage, partial specification, and competing
conventions.                                                                                                                               101

3.4.3    Evaluation of parts                                                                                                                    105

3.4.4    Selection on parts: The credit assignment problem                                                             106

3.4.5    Coevolution of parts: premature convergence/competitive exclusion and
fitness sharing.                                                                                                                           107

3.4.6    The multi-dimensional interpretation of fitness and ‘Pareto coevolution’                       108

3.5    Test problems                                                                                                                                       110

3.5.1    Building block problems                                                                                                           111

3.5.2    Interdependency                                                                                                                        112

3.5.3    Other test problems for EAs                                                                                                    113

3.5.4    Modularity and interdependency: non-separable modules                                                114

3.6    Summary                                                                                                                                               115

3.7    Accretion and composition in evolutionary   biology and evolutionary computation               116

Chapter 4 -    Defining Modular Interdependency                                                    119

4.1    Philosophical provisos: The ‘problem’ for an evolving entity                                                      120

4.2    Pairwise interactions                                                                                                                          120

4.2.1    Pairwise interactions and fitness saddles                                                                              120

4.2.2    Defining ‘interdependency’                                                                                                     123

4.3    Large-Scale interdependency structure                                                                                          124

4.3.1    Separability and decomposability to modular interdependency                                        126

4.3.2    An example non-separable but decomposable system of four variables                          130

4.4    Generalised models                                                                                                                             134

4.4.1    Aggregate effects of modules: dimensional reduction                                                        134

4.4.2    Hierarchy and scaling-up                                                                                                         137

4.4.3    General recursive form                                                                                                              139

4.4.4    Hierarchical consistency                                                                                                          140

4.4.5    Alternate base functions                                                                                                          141

4.5    Hierarchical-Equality and Hierarchical-if-and-only-if (HIFF)                                                     143

4.6    Discussion                                                                                                                                             146

4.6.1    Symmetries and variations                                                                                                       146

4.6.2    The HIFF landscape and natural hierarchy                                                                           146

4.6.3    Other hierarchical modular interdependency functions                                                      147

4.6.4    Comparison with Royal Roads, concatenated trap functions, and NKC landscapes     147

4.6.5    Modular interdependency as a hierarchical cooperation problem                                     149

4.6.6    How changes in Module A affect the fitness landscape for Module B                            150

4.6.7    Relation to philosophical provisos                                                                                         151

4.7    Summary                                                                                                                                               151

Chapter 5 -    Mutation on Modular Interdependency                                              153

5.1    Cross-sections through the fitness landscape                                                                               153

5.2    Difficulty of modular interdependency for accretive mechanisms                                             157

5.2.1    Ruggedness                                                                                                                                157

5.2.2    Width of fitness saddles                                                                                                          158

5.2.3    Irreducibility - HIFF appears to be irreducibly complex (but is not)                                  159

5.2.4    HIFF appears to have low epistasis (but does not)                                                             161

5.3    Expected time to solution for accretive mechanisms                                                                     162

5.3.1    Preliminary Comparison with compositional mechanisms                                                   163

5.4    Simulation results for mutation                                                                                                        164

5.5    Summary                                                                                                                                               166

Chapter 6 -    Sexual Recombination on Modular Interdependency                        168

6.1    Overview of models                                                                                                                              170

6.2    Basic Model: Single panmictic population—Simple GA                                                              170

6.2.1    Simulation results                                                                                                                      171

6.2.2    Discussion                                                                                                                                  173

6.3    Diversity: Subdivided/niched population—GA with crowding                                                     174

6.3.1    Mutation is not essential                                                                                                          180

6.3.2    Gradualism is neither sufficient nor required                                                                         181

6.4    Genetic linkage                                                                                                                                    181

6.4.1    No genetic linkage: ‘Free recombination’ or ‘uniform crossover’                                      182

6.4.2    Re-ordered linkage: Shuffled gene positions                                                                        186

6.4.3    Convergence controlled variation                                                                                           190

6.4.4    Linkage learning                                                                                                                         192

6.5    Summary of simulation results                                                                                                         193

6.6    Analysis of sexual recombination on HIFF                                                                                      197

6.6.1    Analysis on separable problems                                                                                             199

6.6.2    Analyses on HIFF                                                                                                                     203

6.6.3    Analyses for a recombinative hill-climber                                                                              205

6.6.4    From a recombinative hill-climber to a recombinative population                                      211

6.7    Empirical illustration of analytic results                                                                                        213

6.7.1    Simulation for Theorem 4: Recombinative Hill-climber with one-point
crossover on H﷓IFF.                                                                                                                213

6.7.2    Simulation for Theorem 5: GA with two-point crossover applied to H-IFF2                    214

6.7.3    Summary of analysis section                                                                                                   217

6.8    Summary of sexual recombination on hierarchically modular problems                                 217

Chapter 7 -    Symbiotic Encapsulation on  Modular Interdependency                    219

7.1    Overview of symbiotic encapsulation model                                                                                    219

7.2    Integration model: Entities and their encapsulation                                                                     221

7.2.1    Mutually exclusive characters and the ‘overlap’ of feature sets                                       221

7.2.2    A model of entities and their encapsulation                                                                          225

7.2.3    Consequences for adaptation                                                                                                  227

7.3    Evaluation and selection model                                                                                                          228

7.3.1    Evaluating an entity in different contexts                                                                              229

7.3.2    Pareto dominance                                                                                                                      230

7.3.3    Building environmental contexts: Group evaluation                                                            232

7.4    The Symbiogenic Evolutionary Adaptation Model (SEAM)                                                          233

7.5    Simulation results                                                                                                                               234

7.5.1    Control experiments                                                                                                                   235

7.5.2    Simulation results for SEAM and control experiments                                                        236

7.5.3    Summary of main simulation experiments using SEAM and GA.                                       239

7.6    Discussion                                                                                                                                             241

7.6.1    Coevolution and SEAM                                                                                                           241

7.6.2    Canalisation of successful groups                                                                                          242

7.6.3    Scale-invariant evolutionary processes                                                                                 243

7.7    Analysis of SEAM on Shuffled HIFF                                                                                                245

7.7.1    Idealised-SEAM                                                                                                                         245

7.7.2    From idealised-SEAM to SEAM                                                                                             250

7.7.3    Summary of analytic results                                                                                                     255

7.8    Summary                                                                                                                                               256

Chapter 8 -    Implications for Evolutionary Biology                                                 258

8.1    Impact for evolutionary biology                                                                                                         258

8.1.1    Evolutionary difficulty and gradualism                                                                                  258

8.1.2    Symbiosis as source of evolutionary innovation                                                                 259

8.1.3    Multiple-inheritance allows large non-random genetic changes                                       260

8.1.4    Assumptions concerning genetic systems                                                                           261

8.2    Related results                                                                                                                                     261

8.2.1    Hierarchical encapsulation, the Baldwin effect, and symbiotic scaffolding                     261

8.3    Future research                                                                                                                                   263

8.3.1    The relationship of accretive and compositional mechanisms                                           263

8.3.2    The open-endedness of evolutionary processes                                                                 266

8.3.3    The inherent tension of innovation and reproductive fidelity (change and
non-change)                                                                                                                               267

8.3.4    Selfish genes and the evolution of cooperation                                                                   268

8.3.5    Modular interdependency in natural systems                                                                      269

8.3.6    The ubiquity of compositional mechanisms                                                                          271

Chapter 9 -    Implications for Evolutionary Computation                                         272

9.1    Impact for Evolutionary Computation                                                                                               272

9.1.1    Building Block Hypothesis                                                                                                      272

9.1.2    Building blocks and modules - genetic linkage vs. interdependency                               272

9.1.3    GA-easiness                                                                                                                               273

9.1.4    Interdependency and NK landscapes                                                                                    274

9.1.5    Module acquisition and linkage learning                                                                               275

9.1.6    Crossover is not just macro-mutation                                                                                    275

9.1.7    Competing conventions problem                                                                                            275

9.1.8    Credit assignment                                                                                                                      275

9.1.9    Separation of the Building Block Hypothesis from the Schema Theorem                        276

9.1.10  Evolution and coevolution in the GA with crossover                                                         276

9.1.11  Optimisation at several scales vs. optimisation at any one scale                                      277

9.2    Understanding modularity                                                                                                                  280

9.2.1    Modular interdependency, Ising models, and renormalisation groups                            280

9.2.2    Simon and nearly decomposable systems                                                                             282

9.2.3    Deception                                                                                                                                    284

9.2.4    Relationship of HIFF to some related concepts of problem difficulty                               286

9.3    Understanding composition                                                                                                                287

9.3.1    Recombining versus combining                                                                                              288

9.3.2    Problems with partial evaluation, bloat, and diversity                                                         288

9.3.3    Template differencing                                                                                                               290

9.3.4    The pressure to fill-in missing features                                                                                  291

9.3.5    The Baldwin effect and ‘stochastic lookahead’                                                                    292

9.3.6    Stochastic lookahead avoids need for ‘backtracking’ in greedy optimisation                293

9.3.7    Pareto Coevolution                                                                                                                    295

9.3.8    Relationship of SEAM to some other algorithmic methods                                                297

9.4    Future research                                                                                                                                   298

9.4.1    Theoretical                                                                                                                                  298

9.4.2    Possible applications of SEAM                                                                                               299

9.4.3    Extensions of SEAM                                                                                                                 300

Chapter 10 -  Summary and Conclusions                                                                   303

Subject Index                                                                                                               308

References                                                                                                                  311