Slide A While & Model Garage

Rochester Puzzle Co., Rochester NY, circa 1930's?
(cardboard box 5" x 5" x 1/2" and 14 wood pieces;
directions on inside of box top, start position on inside box bottom)

This puzzle has almost the same starting configuration as the 1932 Model Garage puzzle (a.k.a. Spotcheck, Blocade) shown on page 103 of the Hordern book, except that the middle top two rectangles of Model Garage are oriented horizontally.

Slide A While Solution
Here are the start, every tenth position, and the end position of an 83 rectilinear move solution (88 straight-line moves); pieces are labeled the same as Hordern's book uses for the Model Garage puzzle, except pieces 11 and 12 are labeled X and Y:

Model Garage Solution
Hordern's book presents a 51 rectilinear move solution. Here are the start, every fifth position, and the end position of a 51 rectilinear move solution (54 straight-line moves):

Model Garage Versions A and B Solutions
Hordern's book presents Model Garage A where both A,B and C,D must be exchanged, and Model Garage B that also requires that all other pieces end in their original positions, and gives the same 213 rectilinear moves (224 straight-line moves) solution for both, where the A version omits the last two moves of the B solution. Here are the start position and the position ending each row of the Hordern solution presentation:

Further Reading
Slide A While Solution - 87 Straight-Line Moves (84 Rectilinear Moves)

Model Garage Solution - 51 Rectilinear Moves (54 Straight-Line Moves)

Model Garage A Solution - 210 Rectilinear Moves (222 Straight-Line Moves)

Model Garage B Solution - 212 Rectilinear Moves (225 Straight-Line Moves)

Model Garage B Solution - 224 Straight-Line Moves (213 Rectilinear Moves)