Jim's Puzzles Help
These pages are Copyright James A. Storer. Permission is given to save and print these pages for individual personal non-profit use (and hopefully enjoyment). Permission is also given for display of images from these pages (for example, on a personal web page), so long as the display is for non-profit purposes and a visible citation to these pages is included as part of the display of each image.
Browsing an Individual Puzzle Page:
Clicking on a photo or graphic gives an enlargement. Clicking on a page title gives a better typeset PDF version of that page. Clicking on a link in page text goes to somewhere else in this book. Links in further reading are external to the book.
Browsing The Thumbnail Index:
As an alternative to the table of contents, one can scroll through the thumbnail index to locate a puzzle visually; puzzles appear in the same order as the table of contents.
Browsing the Interactive Book Page:
The table of contents at the start and the index at the end work like the table of contents and thumbnails pages; the advantage of viewing the book is that one can scroll around after going somewhere. This should only be done with a reasonably fast internet download speed and it may be necessary to wait at bit after clicking on the book link until the book is fully loaded and can be viewed and navigated.
Download a PDF Of the Book:
Page numbers are included in the table of contents and in the thumbnail index at the end. The pdf version is only updated periodically, and may not include the most recent changes.