Movies and Screencasts from some of the JBS 2010 classes

Week 2
Monday June 7th
Intro to Rails
movie (686MB) screencast (330MB)
Tuesday June 8th
Database and OR Mapping
movie (308MB) screencast (330MB)
Wednesday June 9th
movie (323MB) no screencast today
Thursday June 10th
Views and Controllers
movie (562MB) no screencast for today
Week 3
Monday June 14th
movie (309MB) screencast (197MB)
Tuesday June 15th
3 Tier, load balancing, deployment, and scale
movie (665MB) screencast (495MB)
Wednesday June 16th
programmable web
movie (347MB) screencast (867MB)
Week 4
Monday June 21st
Testing and Quality
movie (139MB) screencast (211MB)
Tuesday June 22nd
User Interface
movie (325MB) screencast part 1 (468MB) and screencast part 2 (145MB)
Wednesday June 23nd
movie (330MB) screencast (600MB)
Thursday June 24nd
Code Review
movie screencast
Week 5