Waterman -- home away from home

Thesis info

8 May 2000 --
Draft ready for submission, 8 May 2000
Postscript submission copy
PDF submission copy

28 April 2000 --
Final draft, in preparation for the defense, on May 4.
Postscrip final draft

March 25 --
Chapters 3 and 4.
Chapter 3: "The Associative Model" -- Postscript
Chapter 4: "Smoothing Difficult Data" -- Postscript

March 7 --
I have made quite a few revisions to chapter 2. I do not believe I will change it any more before the defense. Please read through chapter 2.
Chapter 2: Postscript, or PDF

Feb 25 --
Today is the deadline for a penultimate draft of the dissertation. In honor of this great event, I have completed a penultimate draft of the dissertation. It is available here in two formats, PostScript and PDF. I recommend the PostScript for printing, since the PDF is derivative (from the .ps) and seems to have some slight font alignment problems. The PDF is probably better for on-line viewing.

The thesis is in two parts. I recommend the first one for now, since it has had more editting.
Part 1 -- chapters 1--4, theory and description
Postscript, or PDF
Part 2 -- chapters 5--7, experiments and data
Postscript, or PDF


How do you feel about the 22, 23, or 24th of March?? (Wed--Friday??)
These days seem far enough in the future that I will have a presentation finished, and can book plane tickets out to Boston. They don't interfere with the conflict dates I got from Dave Waltz, and may even be early enough not to conflict with Bran's schedule in April.

Please, if you have an opinion one way or another, I would like to know.
Thanks. More later.

Feb 9 --
Chapter 1, the Introductions, is available for perusal as a PostScript file

The calendar at Alexa.com went offline due to a new firewall policy. A new calendar and message system is available at http://www.egroups.com/group/tsw-thesis/

I'm trying to schedule the thesis defense. For the relevant few, there is an BADLINKinteractive calendar page for keeping the schedule. If you have conflict dates during the final weeks of March/the first weeks of April, please email them to me (waterman@acm.org) or enter them yourself on the calendar.

Important dates

Feb. 25 -- last day to file the thesis with the department (and with the grad school?)
April 18 -- last possible day for a defense.

So far, Dave Waltz has given me some dates which are bad for him, as well as a suggestion for March 10. This seems a bit early for me, but I'd be willing to shoot for it. My only reservation is that I believe the dissertation has to be on record at the department for some fixed period of time before the defense. Since I'm at the moment trying to push it to the last possible day, Feb. 25, this might be too soon for the administration. I will check.

That's all for now. I might use this page also for posting chapters, slides, etc., if that seems like a good idea.
Don't forget the BADLINKcalendar.

You can always reach me at:

Scott Waterman
PricewaterhouseCoopers Technology Centre
68 Willow Rd.
Menlo Park, CA 94025

phone (work): 650-688-6669
phone (home): 408-379-4567
email (permanent): waterman@acm.org