Win-1251, Koi8-R to VOLAPJUK

Who might need a poor man's russificator? Someone, who has a favorite outdated piece of equipment, which cannot be russified, like my favorite VT100 terminal. Someone who uses public computers, usually a different computer each time, and does not want to launch a crusade to russify every computer in the country. Or someone, who is just too lazy to go through the installation motions, but still wants to read a Russian text once in a while.

Here is a C program, rus.c, which takes a file from the standard input, and creates two files, win1251.out and koi8r.out, in the current directory. In these files, the symbols, which are codes of Russian letters in, respectively, Win-1251 and Koi8-R, are replaced with their English transliterations --- this sort of "volapjuk" is known at least since Russians started to use international telegraph and is familiar to many e-mail veterans in USA and elsewhere.

Please feel free to use and/or modify this program as you wish --- I am not responsible for it in any manner.

HINT: If you process a downloaded HTML file, its local links might appear broken, unless the downloading software is smart enough to insert the command

<BASE HREF=" the URL of your file">

at the beginning of your file. If this happened, you should insert an appropriate command manually.

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