Description // Assignments and grades // Projects // Textbook and readings // Class meetings // Staff // Office hours // Hot News // Current assignment // FAQ Different// Acknowledgments
Please take a look at the tentative schedule on LATTE. Liuba Shrira : Flexible, send me e-mail to schedule.
Thomas Willkens: TBD
Last updated 1/7/2018
Prereq.: CS31a and solid knowledge of Java or C.
CS147a focus is abstractions and implementation techniques for distributed systems.
Major topics are fault-tolerance, replication, and consistency.
The class presents these fundamental concepts through study and discussion of case studies of distributed systems.
Assignments and Grades
Grades in CS147a will be based on reports, projects,
quizzes and
your participation in class. There will not be a final examination.
You maybe assigned to present papers
from current literature and will need to submit written reports pertaining
to the assigned papers.
The labs will provide hands-on experience with the fundamental concepts of distributed systems. They will be programmed in Go.
Since an important part of CS147a is discussion of current literature,
your class participation will influence your grade significantly -- so
significantly that we hesitate to try to assign weights to the individual
components such as summaries and projects. Everything is important; We
will assign your final grade based on the personal assessment of what you
got out of the course, integrating all the methods of evaluation we can
think of.
Collaboration is not permitted except when explicitely stated.
You are responsible for submitting only your own work and for protecting
your works so that others cannot view them or copy them.
Failure to do so constitutes a violation
of academic integrity.
Example past Projects
Textbook and readings
Here things you need to have in order to accomplish the
reading assignments in CS147a
Class meetings
Tue, Thu 2:20pm-3:40pm
Shapiro Science 0016
Liuba Shrira
Teaching Assistants
Thomas Willkens
Office hours
to Frans
Kaashoek and Robert Morris for help with the course materials.
Students with Disabilities:
If you are a student with a documented disability on record at Brandeis University and wish to
have a reasonable accommodation made for you in this class, please see me immediately.
Brandeis University,
Computer Science Department