Where do I put webpages? How can people see them?

Put webpage files in the .www directory in your home directory. (If this directory does not yet exist, just create it: mkdir ~/.www)

To access your home page from a web browser, go to http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~<user>, where <user> is your CS account username.

Note: In order for the httpd daemon to serve any files located in your web directory, it must be able to access them and read them. This does not only mean that your web directory and any content within it must be world readable, which most users realize. It also means that to permit the httpd daemon to access your .www directory, you must check the file permissions to ensure that your home directory is world traversable (though it need not be world readable). Directory traversability is set by the file executability bit. Therefore, the least destructive way to make your directory world traversable is to run chmod +x ~

Historically, public webpages used to be served out of /web, rather than ~/.www. If you believe that you still have old data under /web that you would like to access, please contact Guru.