
Generative Lexicon and Computational Lexicon Reader

1. The Semantics of Complex Types
J. Pustejovsky
In : Langue Francaise , 1996.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text in Postscript ]
2. Lexical Shadowing and Argument Closure
J. Pustejovsky
In : Ravin, Y. and S. Atkins (eds.) - Polysemy and Ambiguity ,1997, Oxford University Press
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text in Postscript ]
3. Qualia Structure and the Compositional Interpretation of Compounds
M. Johnston and F. Busa
In : Viegas, E. and S. Nirenburg (eds.) - Proceedings of SIGLEX Workshop on Depth and Breadth of Semantic Lexicons , June 22, 1996, Santa Cruz, CA.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text in Postscript ]
4. The Semantics of Agentive Nominals
F Busa
In : Saint-Dizier, P. (eds.) - Proceedings of ECAI Workshop on Predicative Forms for the Lexicon , August 2, 1996, Toulouse, France.
[ Abstract ] [ Full Text in Postscript ]
5. Bridging as Coercive Accommodation
J. Bos, P.P. Buitelaar and A.M. Mineur
In : Computational Logic for Natural Language Processing---Workshop Proceedings
Also available as CLAUS 52 Technical Report from Saarbruecken University
[Abstract ] [ Full Text in Postscript ]