Database Schema


When the validator completes running, the database has the following tables:

Table description (*)

  1. input
    . This table contains all of the datapoints of the Linear Road Run.
    . Attributes: type, time, carid, speed, expressway, lane, direction, segment, position, query id, initial segment, end segment, day of the week, minute number in the day, day
  2. type2requests
    . This table cotains the history of every car about account balance queries
    . Attributes: type, time, carid, expressway, query id, day
  3. type3requests
    . This table cotains the history of every car about daily expenditure queries
    . Attributes: type, time, carid, expressway, query id, day
  4. accidentAlerts
    . This table cotains the output your database generated for accident alerts
    . Attributes: type, time, emitted time, carid, segment
    . Primary key: time, carid
  5. tollAlerts
    . This table cotains the output your database generated for toll alerts
    . Attributes: type, carid, time, emitted time, lav, toll
    . Primary key: time, carid
  6. outputtype2
    . This table cotains the output that your database generated answering account balance queries.
    . Attributes: type, time, emitted time, query id, result time, balance
  7. outputtype3
    . This table cotains the output that your database generated answering daily expenditure queries.
    . Attributes: type, time, emitted time, result time, balance

  8. tollAccAlerts
    . This table cotains all of the toll alerts and accident alerts the validator generated.
    . Attributes: time, carid, expressway, direction, segment, lav, toll, accident segment
    . Primary key: time, carid
  9. type2answer
    . This table cotains all of account balance the validator generated answering account balance queries.
    . Attributes: carid, query time, result time, query id, toll
  10. type3answer
    . This table cotains all of daily expenditure the validator generated answering daily expenditure queries.
    . Attributes: carid, day, balance, query id

  11. accAlertNotInOriginal
    . This table cotains accident alerts that the validator generated but yours did not.
    . Attributes: time, carid, accident segment
    . Primary key: time, carid
  12. accAlertNotInValidator
    . This table cotains accident alerts that your database generated but the validator did not.
    . Attributes: time, carid, accident segment
    . Primary key: time, carid
  13. tollAlertNotInOriginal
    . This table cotains toll alerts that the validator generated but yours did not.
    . Attributes: time, carid
    . Primary key: time, carid
  14. tollAlertNotInValidator
    . This table cotains toll alerts that your database generated but the validator did not.
    . Attributes: time, carid
    . Primary key: time, carid
  15. type2wronganswers
    . This table cotains all of account balance that differ from the validator and yours
    . Attributes: type, time, emitted time, query id, result time, balance
  16. type3wronganswers
    . This table cotains all of daily expenditure that differ from the validator and yours
    . Attributes: type, time, emitted time, result time, balance

  17. accident
    . This table contains all off the accidents that the validator extracted from input table
    . Attributes: first carid, second carid, first minute, last minute, expressway, direction, segment, position
    . Primary key: expressway, direction, position, first minute
  18. statistics
    . This table contains all of statistics information for generating toll alerts and accident alerts.
    . Attributes: expressway, direction, segment, minute, number of vehicles in previous minute, lav, toll, accident, accident segment
    . Primary key: expressway, direction, segment, minute

(*): See the detailed description of the attributes in the paper