Mitch Cherniack

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02454

phone: 781 736 2738
fax: 781 736 2741
email: mfc AT brandeis DOT edu

Graduate Student Advising

My slides advising new grad students on course selection, and presented at the new graduate student orientation on 8/24/2010, are available here: (Powerpoint 2007) or here: (Powerpoint 2003).


Ph.D, Brown University, 1999
M.S., Concordia University, 1992
B.Ed., McGill University, 1984

Research Interests

My primary interests are in Database Systems, and in particular, niche data management areas such as stream processing and data warehouses. I am presently working on the following project:


My DBLP page can be found here.

Database Community

I am one of the founders and organizers of NEDS: the [N]ew [E]ngland [D]atabase [S]ociety. Please consult the NEDS web page for more information.

I am also a co-founder of and consultant for two startups: Streambase (a commercialization of Aurora) and Vertica (a commercialization of C-Store).


Prior to my academic career, I was a high school and elementary school teacher in Quebec, Canada. I first taught elementary school in a small isolated village named Bradore Bay on Quebec's Lower North Shore near Labrador. I then spent 5 years teaching at a high school in Montreal.

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