%******************************** BRANDEIS.STY **************************************************** % Brandeis LaTeX2e thesis style package. Set up according to the rules outlined % by the GSAS for acceptable thesis format. % % 05/08/00 Andy Garland (aeg@cs.brandeis.edu) % 02/21/01 Pablo Funes (pablo@cs.brandeis.edu) % % This is meant to help prepare your thesis, but there are no guarantees. % Be sure to check that the output matches the current specifications! % The formatting requirements are on-line at: % http://www.brandeis.edu/gsas/students/index.html % % This bears a passing resemblance to an earlier file of LFBrown 30Aug87, % modified by RJLuoma in November 1994. % % \thesisfront produces everything that precedes the first chapter % of the thesis. It takes a lot of parameters, but it is % totally worth it IMO, since it cleans up the thesis latex source % file so much. % % I use book format. % As of May, 2000: The copy of your thesis to be sent to UMI must be one-sided, B+W. % However, they convert this to a double-sided soft-cover reprint, so % YOU almost definitely WANT TO USE THE DEFAULT BOOK OPTIONS. % If you want your hard-cover version to be two-sided or color, you % can supply an alternate copy of your thesis to the GSAS. % % I assume four committee members (to change: search for CCCC) % You may want to tweak \optpages to change the layout of dedications, acknowledgments % and the preface (format unspecified by Brandeis) % I highly recommend the natbib package (I prefer named.bst style for it) % If you use marginal notes, you will have to make some edits % Go to (roughly) line 500 to see some stuff about double spacing % For duplex printing (not acceptable for version to go to UMI), change evensidemargin below % % there are two interfaces, see below and also at the bottom (sample2) %************************ sample thesis.tex preamble ***************** % % \documentclass[12pt]{book} % \usepackage{setspace} %% required, and must precede using the brandeis package % \usepackage[lot]{brandeis} %% lot is one of several package options described below % \usepackage[round]{natbib} %% personal preference % % \title{Thesis Title} % \author{Just your name} % \dedication{Dedication text} %% optional, will be double-spaced % \acknowledgments{Acknowledgment text} %% optional, will be double-spaced % \thesisabstract{Abstract Text} %% will be single-spaced: to change, search for DS-ABS % \preface{Preface Text} %% optional, will be double-spaced % \date{Year-only} % % \begin{document} % % \thesisfront[Month]{Department}{Advisor}{C2}{C3}{C4} %% see (roughly) line 200 for explanation % % \chapter{Introduction} % ....(body of thesis).... % %**************************** Package Options ************************ % % Options you might want to change: % % copyright|nocopyright -> print a copyright page [default] or not % lot|nolot -> print a list of tables or not [default] % lof|nolof -> print a list of figures [default] or not % % Options you probably don't want to worry about: % % minmargins|15margins -> minimal margins [default] or uniform 1.5in margins % ps-eh|ps-ph|ps-pp|ps-ep -> main matter page style [default=ps-ph], explained below % fm-eh|fm-ph|fm-pp|fm-ep -> front matter page style [default=fm-pp], explained below % % Note: If you want to squeeze as much text on the page as possible, use minmargins and ps-eh % This eliminates page numbers on the first page of chapters so that footer can be flushed % Doubtless, someone who cares (more than I) could improve this. % % Warning: the options are not checked for consistency (i.e. you could specify % both lot and nolot). The last one specified wins out. % \ProvidesPackage{brandeis}[1994/06/01 Standard LaTeX package] \RequirePackage{setspace} \newif\if@crpage \DeclareOption{copyright}{\@crpagetrue} \DeclareOption{nocopyright}{\@crpagefalse} \newif\if@lot \DeclareOption{lot}{\@lottrue} \DeclareOption{nolot}{\@lotfalse} \newif\if@lof \DeclareOption{lof}{\@loftrue} \DeclareOption{nolof}{\@loffalse} \newif\if@minmar \DeclareOption{minmargins}{ \@minmartrue \setlength{\textwidth}{6in} } \DeclareOption{15margins}{ \@minmarfalse \setlength{\textwidth}{5.5in} } \newlength{\@marthm}\newlength{\@marth}\newlength{\@martmm}\newlength{\@martm} \newlength{\@marfsm}\newlength{\@marfs}\newlength{\@marhh}\newlength{\@marhs} \newlength{\@marfthm}\newlength{\@marfth}\newlength{\@marftmm}\newlength{\@marftm} \newlength{\@marffsm}\newlength{\@marffs}\newlength{\@marfhh}\newlength{\@marfhs} %% %% main matter page style choices are read as ps-XY %% where X indicates the page style of the first page of a chapter, (p)lain or (e)mpty %% and Y indicates the page style of the rest of the chapter, (p)lain or (h)eadings %% %% If you want to squeeze as much text on the page as possible, use minmargins and do NOT use ps-ph %% because that requires space for both a header and a footer %% \DeclareOption{ps-ph}{ \let\ps@first\ps@plain \gdef\@rest{headings} \setlength{\@marthm}{8in}\setlength{\@marth}{8in} \setlength{\@martmm}{0in}\setlength{\@martm}{0in} \setlength{\@marfsm}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marfs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marhh}{0.5in}\setlength\@marhs{\headsep}\addtolength{\@marhh}{-\@marhs} } \DeclareOption{ps-eh}{ \let\ps@first\ps@empty \gdef\@rest{headings} \setlength{\@marthm}{8.5in}\setlength{\@marth}{8in} \setlength{\@martmm}{0in}\setlength{\@martm}{0in} \setlength{\@marfsm}{0in}\setlength{\@marfs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marhh}{0.5in}\setlength\@marhs{\headsep}\addtolength{\@marhh}{-\@marhs} } \DeclareOption{ps-pp}{ \let\ps@first\ps@plain \gdef\@rest{first} %% cant rely on definition of plain staying the same \setlength{\@marthm}{8.5in}\setlength{\@marth}{8in} \setlength{\@martmm}{0in}\setlength{\@martm}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marfsm}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marfs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marhh}{0in}\setlength\@marhs{0in} } \DeclareOption{ps-ep}{ \let\ps@first\ps@empty \let\ps@save\ps@plain \gdef\@rest{save} %% cant rely on definition of plain staying the same \setlength{\@marthm}{8.5in}\setlength{\@marth}{8in} \setlength{\@martmm}{0in}\setlength{\@martm}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marfsm}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marfs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marhh}{0in}\setlength\@marhs{0in} } %% %% front matter page style choices are read as fm-XY %% where X indicates the page style of the first page of a chapter, (p)lain or (e)mpty %% and Y indicates the page style of the rest of the chapter, (p)lain or (h)eadings %% %% Note that the Brandeis guidelines want page numbers printed on every page after the copyright %% page, so empty is not kosher [included out of laziness/completeness] %% %% Choosing anything other than fm-pp will produce unexpected results, I'll wager. %% %% First of all, the book class considers the table of contents, list of figures and list of %% tables as chapters. I don't know if you can change this. %% %% Also, \thesisabs does not treat the abstract as chapters, so the %% page style on it is considered as "rest of chapter". %% I'm not sure how easily this can be changed since the default chapter layout is unacceptable. %% I chose to make the abstract single-spaced. Search for DS-ABS to change. %% %% Finally, \optpages does not treat the acknowledgements and preface as chapters either. %% You can easily change this if you don't mind the default chapter layout for these pages. %% \DeclareOption{fm-ph}{ \let\ps@frontfirst\ps@plain \gdef\@frontrest{headings} \setlength{\@marfthm}{8in}\setlength{\@marfth}{8in} \setlength{\@marftmm}{0in}\setlength{\@marftm}{0in} \setlength{\@marffsm}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marffs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marfhh}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marfhs}{\headsep}\addtolength{\@marfhh}{-\@marfhs} } \DeclareOption{fm-eh}{ \let\ps@frontfirst\ps@empty \gdef\@frontrest{headings} \setlength{\@marfthm}{8.5in}\setlength{\@marfth}{8in} \setlength{\@marftmm}{0in}\setlength{\@marftm}{0in} \setlength{\@marffsm}{0in}\setlength{\@marffs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marfhh}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marfhs}{\headsep}\addtolength{\@marfhh}{-\@marfhs} } \DeclareOption{fm-pp}{ \let\ps@frontfirst\ps@plain \gdef\@frontrest{plain} \setlength{\@marfthm}{8.5in}\setlength{\@marfth}{8in} \setlength{\@marftmm}{0in}\setlength{\@marftm}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marffsm}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marffs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marfhh}{0in}\setlength{\@marfhs}{0in} } \DeclareOption{fm-ep}{ \let\ps@frontfirst\ps@empty \gdef\@frontrest{plain} \setlength{\@marfthm}{8.5in}\setlength{\@marfth}{8in} \setlength{\@marftmm}{0in}\setlength{\@marftm}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marffsm}{0.5in}\setlength{\@marffs}{0.5in} \setlength{\@marfhh}{0in}\setlength{\@marfhs}{0in} } \ExecuteOptions{minmargins,copyright,nolot,lof,ps-ph,fm-pp} \ProcessOptions %% %% If you are preparing your thesis for duplex output, %% you should end each chapter with %% a \cleardoublepage command to make sure the next chapter starts on %% the right-hand page. I also like the facing left-hand page %% to be completely blank (i.e. without a page number). %% \newcommand{\clearblank}[0]{ \clearpage % finish the current page \thispagestyle{empty} % no headings, temporarily \cleardoublepage % blank page, if necessary } % % explanation for \thesisfront and it's 6 parameters. % % \thesisfront[Month]{Dept}{Advisor}{C2}{C3}{C4} % % Month is optional, must be February or May (the default) % Department does NOT include the word ``department'' % Advisor should not include the word ``chair'', which is automatically appended % C2, C3, and C4 are the names of the other thesis committee members % You can append titles to the names as you wish, e.g.: % %\thesisfront{Computer Science}{John Doe}{Mary Smith} %{Steven King, Professor of Horror}{Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft} % \newcommand{\thesisfront}[6][May]{ \frontmatter \doublespacing %% from the setspace.sty package \pagestyle{\@frontrest} \let\ps@plain\ps@frontfirst \setmargins{\@marfthm}{\@marfth}{\@marftmm}{\@marftm}{\@marffsm}{\@marffs}{\@marfhh}{\@marfhs} \thesistitlepage{\@title}{#2}{#3}{\@author}{#1}{\@date} \sigpage{\@author}{#3, Dept of #2}{#4}{#5}{#6} \if@crpage \copyrightpage{\@author}{\@date} \fi \optpages{Dedication}{\@ded} \optpages{Acknowledgments}{\@acks} \thesisabs{\@title}{\@author}{\@thesisabstract} \optpages{Preface}{\@preface} \thesistoc } \newcommand{\thesistoc}[1][0]{ \begin{singlespace} \tableofcontents \clearblank \if@lot \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename} \listoftables \clearblank \fi \if@lof \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename} \listoffigures \clearblank \fi \end{singlespace} \pagestyle{\@rest} \let\ps@plain\ps@first \setmargins{\@marthm}{\@marth}{\@martmm}{\@martm}{\@marfsm}{\@marfs}{\@marhh}{\@marhs} \mainmatter } \newcommand{\thesistoconly}[1][0]{ \begin{singlespace} \tableofcontents \clearblank \end{singlespace} } \newcommand{\thesislot}[1][0]{ \begin{singlespace} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listtablename} \listoftables \clearblank \end{singlespace} } \newcommand{\thesislof}[1][0]{ \begin{singlespace} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\listfigurename} \listoffigures \clearblank \end{singlespace} } \newcommand{\thesismainmatter}[1][0]{ \pagestyle{\@rest} \let\ps@plain\ps@first \setmargins{\@marthm}{\@marth}{\@martmm}{\@martm}{\@marfsm}{\@marfs}{\@marhh}{\@marhs} \mainmatter } \newcommand{\dedication}[1]{\gdef\@ded{#1}} \gdef\@ded{} \newcommand{\acknowledgments}[1]{\gdef\@acks{#1}} \gdef\@acks{} \newcommand{\thesisabstract}[1]{\gdef\@thesisabstract{#1}} \newcommand{\preface}[1]{\gdef\@preface{#1}} \gdef\@preface{} %% Margins % % Margins are determined in part here and in part above based on the % page style choices % % using 8 x 11.5 inch paper % minimum margins -- % Left margin 1.5 inches % Right margin 1 inch % Top margin 1 inch % Bottom margin 1 inch % % Top margin of the first page of each chapter 2 inches % --> can't seem to control this distance (always 1.25in more than % normal top margin for me) % % NOTE: % the margin that has the page number in it will % be 1.5 inches from edge of page to text %% % distance from the left is: % one inch + \hoffset + \oddsidemargin % for all one-sided pages and right-hand (odd-numbered) two-sided pages % one inch + \hoffset + \evensidemargin % for left-hand (even-numbered) two-sided pages % \setlength{\hoffset}{0in} %% shouldn't mess with \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.5in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.5in} %% 0.5 for simplex, 0 for duplex % % distance from the right is % determined from the distance from the left, % \textwidth, \marginparsep, and \marginparwidth % % marginal notes don't seem useful, so latter two set to 0 % textwidth is set in the minmargins and 15margins options above % \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0in} \setlength{\marginparsep}{0in} \setlength{\marginparpush}{0in} %% no idea what it's for % the distance from top edge to text is % 1in + \voffset + \topmargin + \headheight + \headsep % \setlength{\voffset}{0in} %% shoulnd't mess with % % the distance to the bottom edge of the page is % determined from the distance from the top, \textheight, and \footskip % % the size of the footer and headers depends on the page style choices % and whether minmargins or 15margins is desired % % since different page style choices are possible for the front and main % matter, the heads and footers can vary in the front and main matter % \newcommand{\setmargins}[8]{ \if@minmar \setlength{\textheight}{#1} \setlength{\topmargin}{#3} \setlength{\footskip}{#5} \else \setlength{\textheight}{#2} \setlength{\topmargin}{#4} \setlength{\footskip}{#6} \fi \setlength{\headheight}{#7} \setlength{\headsep}{#8} } %the six \thesistitle parameters are % Dissertation title, % department, % advisor's name, % author's name, % month, % date. \newcommand{\thesistitlepage}[6]{ \thispagestyle{empty} %% page number is omitted \begin{center} \vspace*{.5in} {\large \bf #1 }\\ %% the title \vspace*{.5in} A Dissertation\\ \vspace*{.25in} Presented to\\ The Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences\\ Brandeis University\\ Department of #2\\ %% your department #3, Advisor\\ %% your advisor's (chair's) name \vspace*{.5in} In Partial Fulfillment\\ of the Requirements for the Degree\\ Doctor of Philosophy\\ \vspace*{.5in} by\\ #4\\ %% your name #5, #6\\ %% Month, Year \end{center} \clearblank } % \copyrightpage produces the thesis copyright page. It has two arguments % which are the student's name and the year the thesis was completed. \newcommand{\copyrightpage}[2]{ \thispagestyle{empty} %% page number is omitted \begin{center} \vspace*{2.5in} \copyright Copyright by \\ \vspace*{.05in} #1 \\ %% your name \vspace*{.05in} #2 %% the year for the copyright \end{center} \clearblank } % %\thesisabs writes the abstract page. It has four parameters. % 1) the thesis title, % 2) the student's name, and % 3) the body of the abstract % (which is to be no more than 350 words long). % % I chose to make the abstract single-spaced to keep it all on one page. % Easy to change: Uncomment the line after the first DS-ABS comment, and % Comment the line after the second DS-ABS comment % \newenvironment{abstract}{\abshead{\@title}{\@author}}{\abstail} \newcommand{\thesisabs}[3]{ \abshead{#1}{#2} #3 \abstail } \newcommand{\abshead}[2]{ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} \begin{singlespace} \begin{center} \vspace*{.25in} {\large \bf ABSTRACT }\\ \vspace*{.25in} {\bf #1 } \\ %% the title \vspace*{.1in} \noindent A dissertation presented to the Faculty of \\ the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of \\ Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts \\ \vspace*{0.1in} by #2 %% your name \end{center} %%% change the following to xxxx \begin{doublespace} \noindent } \newcommand{\abstail}{ \end{doublespace} %% DS-ABS: comment the following line to make the abstract double-spaced \end{singlespace} \clearblank } %\sigpage produces the thesis signature page. % It has five required parameters. % the student's name % the committee chair % and the three other committee members % it is easy to hack this for fewer or more names % % The on-line and hard-copy samples are different % so I chose an easy to implement compromise % %CCCC: if you want more or fewer committee members, change 5 below \newcommand{\sigpage}[5]{ \sigpageheading{#1} \sigpageitem #2, Chair.\\ \sigpageitem #3 \\ \sigpageitem #4 \\ \sigpageitem #5 \\ \sigpagetail } \newcommand{\sigpageheading}[1]{ \thispagestyle{empty} %% page number is omitted \begin{flushleft} \vspace*{.15in} \begin{singlespace} This dissertation, directed and approved by #1's committee, has been accepted and approved by the Graduate Faculty of Brandeis University \\ in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of: \vspace*{0.25in} \begin{flushright} \parbox{3.5in}{ {\bf DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY}\vspace*{0.5in} \\ \rule{3in}{.01in}\\ Dean of Arts and Sciences} \end{flushright} %% I made the lines long for my outside examiner, you probably want to change \vspace*{0.6in} Dissertation Committee:\\ } \newcommand{\sigpageitem}{ \vspace*{0.6in} \rule{4.1in}{.01in} \\ } \newcommand{\sigpagetail}{ \end{singlespace} \end{flushleft} \clearblank } %% %% \optpages prints the optional pages (dedication, acknowledgments, preface) %% %% Making these a chapter* produces an unsatisfactory (IMO) heading. %% The output will be double-spaced, but you can easily change that. %% Left as an exercise to the reader. %% \newcommand{\optpages}[2]{ \setbox0=\hbox{#2}% \ifdim \wd0 >0pt \optpagehead{#1} #2 \optpagetail \fi } \newcommand{\optpagehead}[1]{ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{#1} \vspace*{0.5in} \begin{center}{\bf {\Large #1}}\end{center} } \newcommand{\optpagetail}{ \clearblank % \fi } \newenvironment{thesisopt}{1}{ \optpagehead{1}}{\optpagetail} % Spacing % % 1. From the Brandeis web page: % "Double-space all textual material and all preliminary pages." % % Switching between single and double spacing can be painful, but the % package setspace.sty takes out most of the sting. % % 1B. I flouted Brandeis' specs to make the Abstract single-spaced. This was done % since I liked neither the look of the double-spaced abstract nor the fact % the abstract stretched to two pages. Easy for you to change (see \thesisabs). % % 2. thesisfront above calls \doublespacing to set up double spacing throughout % % 3. From the Brandeis web page: % "Notes, bibliographic references, and long quotations may be single-spaced." % % setspace is smart enough to single-space footnotes for you. % Other sections of text can be single-spaced by surrounding them with: % % \begin{singlespace} ... \end{singlespace} % \newcommand{\thesiscoverpage}[1][May]{ \frontmatter \doublespacing %% from the setspace.sty package \pagestyle{\@frontrest} \let\ps@plain\ps@frontfirst \setmargins{\@marfthm}{\@marfth}{\@marftmm}{\@marftm}{\@marffsm}{\@marffs}{\@marfhh}{\@marfhs} \thesistitlepage{\@title}{\@dept}{\@advisor}{\@author}{#1}{\@date} } \newcommand{\thesistitle}[1]{\gdef\@title{#1}} \newcommand{\thesisauthor}[1]{\gdef\@author{#1}} \newcommand{\thesisdept}[1]{\gdef\@dept{#1}} \gdef\@dept{} \newcommand{\thesisadvisor}[1]{\gdef\@advisor{#1}} \gdef\@advisor{} \newcommand{\thesismay}[1]{ \gdef\@year{#1} \thesiscoverpage[May] } \newcommand{\thesisfeb}[1]{ \gdef\@date{#1} \thesiscoverpage[February] } \gdef\@date{2001} \newcommand{\thesiscopyright}[1][0]{\copyrightpage{\@author}{\@date}} \newenvironment{thesisdedication}{\optpagehead{Dedication}}{\optpagetail} \newenvironment{thesisack}{\optpagehead{Acknowledgments}}{\optpagetail} \newenvironment{thesispreface}{\optpagehead{Preface}}{\optpagetail} \newenvironment{thesiscommittee} { \sigpageheading{\@author} \renewcommand{\item}{\\ \sigpageitem} \sigpageitem \@advisor, Dept. of \@dept, Chair. } { \sigpagetail } \renewenvironment{abstract} { \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} \begin{singlespace} \begin{center} \vspace*{.25in} {\large \bf ABSTRACT }\\ \vspace*{.25in} {\bf \@title } \\ %% the title \vspace*{.1in} \noindent A dissertation presented to the Faculty of \\ the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of \\ Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts \\ \vspace*{0.1in} by \@author %% your name \end{center} \end{singlespace} %%% change the following to xxxx \singlespace \noindent } { \clearblank } %% end of abstract definition %************************ sample2 thesis.tex preamble***************** % slightly modified interface by PF'01 that's more lyx-friendly % % \documentclass[12pt]{book} % \usepackage{setspace} %% required, and must precede using the brandeis package % \usepackage[lot]{brandeis} %% is one of several package options described below % % \begin{document} % \thesistitle{Title} % \thesisauthor{Just your name} % \thesisdept{Computer Science} % \thesisadvisor{John X. Doe} % \thesiscoverpage[May] %% Or February for february degree % \begin{thesiscommittee} % \item First Member, Dept. % \item Second Member, Dept. % \end{thesiscommittee} % % \thesiscopyright %% optional, inserts copyright page % % \begin{thesisdedication} % Dedication text %% optional, will be double-spaced % \end{thesisdedication} % % \begin{thesisack} % Acknowledgments %% optional, will be double spaced % \end{thesisack} % % \begin{abstract} % Abstract text % \end{abstract} % % \begin{thesispreface} % Preface Text %% optional, will be double-space % \end{thesispreface} % % \thesistoc %% inserts toc,lof,lot % % \chapter{Introduction} % ....(body of thesis).... %