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Summary: Contributions of this Thesis

Here we investigate the reality effect, of which previous works in the field (Sims' virtual creatures, Thompson's FPGA's) are examples: evolution interacting with reality discovers emergent properties of its domain, builds complexity and creates original solutions, resembling what happens in natural evolution.

We investigate two complementary scenarios (a simulation that brings a computer brain out into the real world, and a video game which brings a multitude of natural brains into a virtual world) with two experimental environments:

Evolution of structures made of toy bricks (chapter 2). These are the main points discussed:

Evolution of artificial players for a video-game (chapter 3). Main issues are:

We conclude with a discussion on AI and the role of discovery and of interaction between learning algorithms, people and physical reality in the light of these results (chapter 4).

Altogether, we are elaborating on a new perspective of Artificial Life, conceived as one of the pieces on the question of evolution of complexity. The evolutionary paradigm explains complexification up to a certain point at least, but also shows that we are still far from a complete understanding of this phenomenon.

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Pablo Funes