%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%% pollack.bib %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @string{cmss88 = "Proceedings of the 1988 Connectionist Models Summer School"} @string{icnn = "IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks"} @string{ijcnn = "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks"} @string{nips = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems"} @string{nips87 = "Neural Information Processing Systems"} @string{snowbird = "Neural Networks for Computing"} % -------------------------------- Books --------------------------------- @string{inAR = "Reprinted in \cite{HKP:Anderson88}"} @string{partinAR = "Partially reprinted in \cite{HKP:Anderson88}"} @string{pdp = "Parallel DistributedProcessing"} % ------------------------------- Journals --------------------------------- @string{applopt = "Applied Optics"} @string{annphys = "Annals of Physics"} @string{bbs = "Behavioral and Brain Sciences"} @string{behbio = "Behavioral Biology"} @string{biocyb = "Biological Cybernetics"} @string{brain = "Brain"} @string{bmbiol = "Bulletin of Mathematical Biology"} @string{bmbiophys = "Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics"} @string{BYTE = "BYTE"} @string{cogsci = "Cognitive Science"} @string{CACM = "Communications of the ACM"} @string{computer = "Computer"} @string{connsci = "Connection Science"} @string{cs = "Complex Systems"} @string{cpc = "Computer Physics Communications"} @string{cspla = "Computer Speech and Language"} @string{cvgip = "Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing"} @string{daed = "D\ae dalus, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences"} @string{EEGCN = "EEG and Clinical Neurophysiology"} @string{eul = "Europhysics Letters"} @string{febsl = "FEBS Letters"} @string{ieeeassp = "IEEE ASSP Magazine"} @string{ieeesmc = "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics"} @string{ieeenn = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks"} @string{ieeeit = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory"} @string{ieeetassp = "IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing"} @string{ieeetcomm = "IEEE Transactions on Communications"} @string{ieeetc = "IEEE Transactions on Computers"} @string{ieeetcas = "IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems"} @string{ieeetec = "IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers"} @string{ieeetpami = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence"} @string{ijns = "International Journal of Neural Systems"} @string{jama = "Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications"} @string{jasa = "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America"} @string{jcomp = "Journal of Complexity"} @string{jcp = "Journal of Chemical Physics"} @string{jmathb = "Journal of Mathematical Biology"} @string{jmolecb = "Journal of Molecular Biology"} @string{jmp = "Journal of Mathematical Physics"} @string{jmpsych = "Journal of Mathematical Psychology"} @string{jneuro = "Journal of Neuroscience"} @string{jpa = "Journal of Physics A"} @string{jphysiol = "Journal of Physiology (London)"} @string{jpp = "Journal de Physique (Paris)"} @string{jppl = "Journal de Physique Lettres (Paris)"} @string{jtb = "Journal of Theoretical Biology"} @string{kyb = "Kybernetik"} @string{mlearn = "Machine Learning"} @string{mbio = "Mathematical Biosciences"} @string{mcss = "Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems"} @string{nature = "Nature"} @string{network = "Network"} @string{nc = "Neural Computation"} @string{nn = "Neural Networks"} @string{nnsupp = "Neural Networks Supplement"} @string{opteng = "Optical Engineering"} @string{optlett = "Optics Letters"} @string{opres = "Operations Research"} @string{percep = "Perception (London)"} @string{PTRSL = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B"} @string{physicaA = "Physica A"} @string{physicaD = "Physica D"} @string{prA = "Physical Review A"} @string{prB = "Physical Review B"} @string{prl = "Physical Review Letters"} @string{pscrip = "Physica Scripta"} @string{plettA = "Physics Letters A"} @string{PNAS = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA"} @string{PRSLB = "Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B"} @string{psyrev = "Psychological Review"} @string{qrb = "Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics"} @string{rmp = "Reviews of Modern Physics"} @string{sciam = "Scientific American"} @string{science = "Science"} @string{SAML = "Skrifter for Anvendt Matematik og Lingvistik"} @string{tprobapp = "Theory of Probability and Its Applications"} @string{zpb = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Physik B}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% editorials %%%%%%%%%%%%%% @string{mitpress={{MIT} Press}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% people %%%%%%%%%%%%% @string{jbp={Jordan B. Pollack}} @string{pfunes={Pablo Funes}} @string{hjuille={Hugues Juill\'e}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% alternative/corrected names %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% will work when bibtex 1.0 comes out %%%%%%%%%%% %%%% for now I keep duplicate entries %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% which may generate duplicate references! %%%%%%% @article {pollackml98, crossref={pollack98}}, @inproceedings{miller96, crossref={cliff96a}} @article{mataric:96b, crossref={mataric96}}, @article{abu-Mostafa87, author = "Abu-Mostafa, Y.S. and D. Psaltis", title = "Optical Neural Computers", pages = "88--95", journal = sciam, volume = 256, month = "March", year = 1987 } @article{abu-Mostafa89, author = "Abu-Mostafa, Y.S.", title = "The Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension: Information versus Complexity in Learning", pages = "312--317", journal = nc, volume = 1, year = 1989 } @article{ackley85, author = {D. H. Ackley and G. E. Hinton and T. J. Sejnowski}, title = {A learning algorithm for Boltzmann Machines}, journal = {Cognitive Science}, volume = {9}, pages = {147-169}, year = {1985}, keywords = {R1} } @incollection{ackley89, author = {D. Ackley}, editor = {D. S. Touretzky}, title = {Associative Learning via Inhibitory Search}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, pages = {20-28}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann}, address = {San Mateo}, year = {1989} } @inproceedings{ackley90, author = "Ackley, D.H. and M.S. Littman", title = "Generalization and Scaling in Reinforcement Learning", pages = "550--557", editor = "D.S. Touretzky", booktitle = nips, volume = 2, address = "Denver 1989", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo", year = 1990 } @inproceedings{ackley94, author = {Ackley, D. H. and Littman, M. L}, year = {1994}, title = {Altruism in the evolution of communication}, booktitle = {Proceedings 4th Artificial Life Conference}, pages = {40-48} } @InProceedings{agre87Pengi, author = "P. Agre and D. Chapman", title = "Pengi: {A}n Implementation of a Theory of Activity", booktitle = "Proceedings National Conference on AI", pages = "268--272", year = "1987", } @article{ahalt90, author = "Ahalt, S.C. and A.K. Krishnamurthy and P. Chen and D.E. Melton", title = "Competitive Learning Algorithms for Vector Quantization", pages = "277--290", journal = nn, volume = 3, year = 1990 } @book{ahuja93, author={Ahuja, R. K. and Magnanti, T. L. and Orlin, J. B. }, title={Network Flows}, publisher={Prentice Hall}, address={Englewood Cliffs}, year={1993}, } @article{ajjanagadde91, author = {V. Ajjanagadde and L. Shastri}, title = {Rules and variables in neural networks}, journal = {Neural Computation}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {121-134}, year = {1991} } @article{ali80, author={A. Ali and R. V. Helgason and J. L. Kennington and H. Lall}, year=1980, title={Computational Comparison among three multicommodity network flow algorithms}, journal={Operations Research}, volume={28}, pages={995-1000}, } @techreport{ali85, author = {Y. Ali}, title = {Understanding Adjectives}, institution = {University of Toronto}, type = {CRSI-167}, year = {1985}, keywords = {R2} } @inproceedings{allen87, author = {R. Allen}, title = {Several Studies on Natural Language and Back Propagation}, booktitle = {IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks}, pages = {II-335-342}, address = {San Diego}, year = {1987}, keywords = {R3} } @inproceedings{almeida87, author = "Almeida, L.B.", title = "A Learning Rule for Asynchronous Perceptrons with Feedback in a Combinatorial Environment", pages = "609--618", editor = "M. Caudill and C. Butler", booktitle = icnn, volume = 2, address = "San Diego 1987", publisher = "IEEE, New York", year = 1987 } @inproceedings{almeida88, author = "Almeida, L.B.", title = "Backpropagation in Perceptrons with Feedback", pages = "199--208", editor = "R. Eckmiller and Ch. von der Malsburg", booktitle = "Neural Computers", address = "Neuss 1987", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin", year = 1988 } @inproceedings{alspector87, author = "Alspector, J. and R.B. Allen", title = "A Neuromorphic VLSI Learning System", pages = "313--349", editor = "P. Losleben", booktitle = "Advanced Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the 1987 Stanford Conference", publisher = "{MIT} Press, Cambridge", year = 1987 } @inproceedings{alspector88, author = "Alspector, J. and R.B. Allen and V. Hu and S. Satyanarayana", title = "Stochastic Learning Networks and Their Electronic Implementation", pages = "9--21", editor = "D.Z. Anderson", booktitle = nips87, address = "Denver 1987", publisher = "American Institute of Physics, New York", year = 1988 } @article{amari77, author = "Amari, S.A.", title = "Dynamics of Pattern Formation in Lateral-Inhibition Type Neural Fields", pages = "77---87", journal = biocyb, volume = 27, year = 1977 } @article{amari80, author = "Amari, S.A.", title = "Topographic Organization of Nerve Fields", pages = "339--364", journal = bmbiol, volume = 42, year = 1980 } @article{amit85a, author = "Amit, D. and H. Gutfreund and H. Sompolinsky", title = "Spin-Glass Models of Neural Networks", pages = "1007--1018", journal = prA, volume = 32, year = 1985 } @article{amit85b, author = "Amit, D. and H. Gutfreund and H. Sompolinsky", title = "Storing Infinite Numbers of Patterns in a Spin-Glass Model of Neural Networks", pages = "1530--1533", journal = prl, volume = 55, year = 1985 } @article{amit87a, author = "Amit, D. and H. Gutfreund and H. Sompolinsky", title = "Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks Near Saturation", pages = "30--67", journal = annphys, volume = 173, year = 1987 } @article{amit87b, author = "Amit, D. and H. Gutfreund and H. Sompolinsky", title = "Information Storage in Neural Networks with Low Levels of Activity", pages = "2293--2303", journal = prA, volume = 35, year = 1987 } @article{amit88, author = "Amit, D.", title = "Neural Networks for Counting Chimes", pages = "2141--2145", journal = PNAS, volume = 85, year = 1988 } @book{amit89, author = "Amit, D.", title = "Modelling Brain Function", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", address = "Cambridge", year = 1989 } @article{anderson68, author = "Anderson, J.A.", title = "A Memory Model Using Spatial Correlation Functions", pages = "113--119", journal = kyb, volume = 5, year = 1968 } @article{anderson70, author = "Anderson, J.A.", title = "Two Models for Memory Organization", pages = "137--160", journal = mbio, volume = 8, year = 1970 } @article{anderson77, author = {J. A. Anderson and J. W. Silverstein and S. A. Ritz and R. S. Jones}, title = {Distinctive Features, Categorical Perception, and Probability Learning: Some Applications of a Neural Model}, journal = {Psychological Review}, volume = {84}, pages = {413-451}, year = {1977}, keywords = {R6} } @incollection{anderson81, author = "Anderson, J.A. and M.C. Mozer", title = "Categorization and Selective Neurons", pages = "213--236", editor = "G.E. Hinton and J.A. Anderson", booktitle = "Parallel Models of Associative Memory", publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum", address = "Hillsdale", year = 1981 } @techreport{anderson86, author = {C Anderson}, title = {Learning and Problem Solving with Multilayer Connectionist Systems}, institution = {Dept. of Computer and Information Science, University of Mass.}, type = {Doctoral Dissertation.}, address = {Amherst}, year = {1986}, keywords = {R4} } @article{anderson86, author = "Anderson, D.Z.", title = "Coherent Optical Eigenstate Memory", pages = "56--58", journal = optlett, volume = 11, year = 1986 } @inproceedings{anderson87, author = {D. Z. Anderson}, title = {Adaptable Interconnect for Optical Neuromorphs: Demonstration of a Photorefractive Projection Operator}, booktitle = {IEEE First International Conference on Neural Networks}, pages = {III-577-584}, address = {San Diego}, year = {1987}, keywords = {R5} } @article{anderson87, author = "Anderson, C.H. and D.C. Van Essen", title = "Shifter Circuits: A Computational Strategy for Dynamic Aspects of Visual Processing", pages = "6297--6301", journal = PNAS, volume = 84, year = 1987 } @book{anderson88, editor = "Anderson, J.A. and E. Rosenfeld", title = "Neurocomputing: Foundations of Research", publisher = "{MIT} Press", address = "Cambridge", year = 1988 } @inproceedings{anderson89, author = "Anderson, S. and J.W.L. Merrill and R. Port", title = "Dynamic Speech Categorization with Recurrent Networks", pages = "398--406", editor = "D. Touretzky and G. Hinton and T. Sejnowski", booktitle = cmss88, address = "Pittsburg 1988", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo", year = 1989 } @article{anderson:82, author = {J. R. Anderson}, title = {Acquisition of Cognitive Skill}, journal = {Psychology Review}, volume = {89}, year = {1982} } @inproceedings{angeline92, author = {Angeline, P. J. and Pollack, J. B.}, year = {1992}, title = {The evolutionary induction of subroutines}, booktitle = {Proceedings 14th Annual Cognitive Science Conference}, pages = {236-241} } @inproceedings{angeline94, title={Coevolving High-Level Representations}, booktitle={Artificial life III}, publisher={Addison-Wesley}, address={Reading, Mass.}, pages={55-71}, year=1994, author={Angeline, P. J. and Pollack, J. B.}, } @inproceedings{angeline94pd, author = {Angeline, P. J.}, year = {1994}, title = {An alternate interpretation of the iterated prisoner's dilemma and the evolution of non-mutual cooperation}, booktitle = {Proceedings 4th Artificial Life Conference}, editor = "R. Brooks and P. Maes", publisher = "{MIT} Press", pages = {353--358} } @inproceedings {angelinePollack93, author = "P. J. Angeline and J. B. Pollack", year = {1993}, title = "Competitive environments evolve better solutions for complex tasks.", editor = "Forrest, S", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms", address = {San Mateo, Calif.}, publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann", pages = "264-270" } @article{angeniol88, author = "Ang\'eniol, B. and G. de La Croix Vaubois and J.-Y. Le Texier", title = "Self-Organizing Feature Maps and the Travelling Salesman Problem", pages = "289--293", journal = nn, volume = 1, year = 1988 } @article{angluin78, author = {D. Angluin}, title = {On the complexity of minimum inference of regular sets}, journal = {Information and Control}, volume = {39}, pages = {337-350}, year = {1978} } @article{angluin82, author = {D. Angluin}, journal = {JACM}, volume = {29}, number = {3}, pages = {741-765}, year = {1982} } @article{angluin83, author = {D. Angluin and C. H. Smith}, title = {Inductive Inference: Theory and Methods}, journal = {Computing Surveys}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {237-269}, year = {1983} } @book{arbib87, author = "Arbib, M.A.", title = "Brains, Machines, and Mathematics", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin", year = 1987 } @article{arkin92, year = 1992, title = "Cooperation without Communication: Multiagent Schema Based Robot Navigation", author = "Ronald C. Arkin", journal = "Journal of Robotic Systems", volume = "9", number = "3", month = "April" } @InCollection{arkin93sab, year = 1993, title = "Communication and Social Organization in Multi--Agent Systems", author = "Ronald C. Arkin and J. David Hobbs", booktitle = {From Animals to Animats 2}, publisher = {{MIT} Press}, pages = "486--493" } @InCollection{arkin94sab, year = 1994, title = "Reactive and Telerobotic Control in Multi--Agent Systems", author = "Ronald C. Arkin and Khaled S. Ali", booktitle = {From Animals to Animats 3}, publisher = {{MIT} Press}, pages = "473--478" } @inproceedings{arkin:93, author = {Arkin, R.C. and Balch, T. and Nitz, E}, title = {Communication of Behavioral State in Multi-Agent Retrieval Tasks}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, pages = "588--594", year = 1993 } @InProceedings{arkinetal93, year = 1993, title = "Communication of Behavioral State in Multi-agent Retrieval Tasks", author = "Ronald C. Arkin and Tucker Balch and Elizabeth Nitz", booktitle = IEEER&A, publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Los Alamitos, CA", pages = "588--594" } @incollection{armer63, author = {P. Armer}, editor = {E. A. Feigenbaum and J. Feldman}, title = {Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence}, booktitle = {Computers \& Thought}, pages = {389-405}, publisher = {McGraw Hill}, address = {New York}, year = {1963} } @book{ashby60, author = {W. R. Ashby}, title = {Design for a Brain: The origin of adaptive behaviour}, edition = {Second}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons}, address = {New York}, year = {1960}, keywords = {R7} } @book{axelrod84, author = {R. Axelrod}, title = {The evolution of cooperation}, publisher = {Basic Books}, address = {New York}, year = {1984} } @InCollection{axelrod87, author = "Robert Axelrod", editor = "L. Davis", title = "The Evolution of Strategies in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma", booktitle = "Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing", publisher = "Pitman: London", year = "1987", } @article{bachmann87, author = "Bachmann, C.M. and L.N. Cooper and A. Dembo and O. Zeitouni", title = "A Relaxation Model for Memory with High Storage Density", pages = "7529--7531", journal = PNAS, volume = 84, year = 1987 } @mastersthesis{bachrach88, author = "Bachrach, J.", title = "Learning to Represent State", school = "University of Massachusetts", address = "Amherst", year = 1988 } @article{backus78, author = {J. Backus}, title = {Can programming be liberated from the von Neumann style? {A} functional style and its algebra of programs.}, journal = {CACM}, volume = {21}, pages = {613-641}, year = {1978}, keywords = {R8} } @article{bak86, author = {P. Bak}, title = {The Devil's Staircase}, journal = {Physics Today}, number = {December}, year = {1986} } @InProceedings{balch95, author = {Tucker Balch and Ronald C. Arkin}, title = {Motor schema-based formation control for multiagent robot teams}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems ICMAS-95}, year = 1995 } @inproceedings{balch:95, author = {Balch, T. and Arkin, R.C.}, title = {Motor schema-based formation control for multiagent robot teams}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems ICMAS-95}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, pages = "10-16", year = 1995 } @inproceedings{balch:97, author = {Balch, T.}, title = {Learning Roles: Behavioral Diversity in Robot Teams}, booktitle = {1997 AAAI Workshop on Multiagent Learning}, organization = {AAAI}, year = 1997 } @article{baldi89, author = "Baldi, P. and K. Hornik", title = "Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis: Learning from Examples Without Local Minima", pages = "53--58", journal = nn, volume = 2, year = 1989 } @inproceedings{ballard87, author = {D. H. Ballard}, title = {Modular Learning in Neural Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, pages = {279-284}, address = {Seattle}, year = {1987} } @article{barhen89, author = "Barhen, J. and S. Gulati and M. Zak", title = "Neural Learning of Constrained Nonlinear Transformations", pages = "67--76", journal = computer, month = "June", year = 1989 } @article{barlow89, author = "Barlow, H.B.", title = "Unsupervised Learning", pages = "295--311", journal = nc, volume = 1, year = 1989 } @techreport{barnden86, author = {J. A. Barnden}, title = {Complex cognitive information-processing: {A} computational architecture with a connectionist implementation}, institution = {Computer Science Dept., Indiana University}, type = {TR}, number = {211}, address = {Bloomington}, year = {1986}, keywords = {R9} } @inproceedings{barnden87, author = {J. A. Barnden}, title = {Simulation of an array-based neural net model}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Scientific Computation}, publisher = {NASA Publication 2478}, year = {1987}, keywords = {R10} } @inproceedings{barnden88, author = {J. A. Barnden}, title = {The right to free association: Relative-position encoding for connectionist data-structures.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society}, address = {Montreal}, year = {1988}, keywords = {R11} } @inproceedings{barnsley85, author = {M. F. Barnsley and V. Ervin and D. Hardin and J. Lancaster}, title = {Solution of an inverse problem for fractals and other sets}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Science}, volume = {83}, year = {1985} } @book{barnsley88, author = {M. F. Barnsley}, title = {Fractals Everywhere}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {San Diego}, year = {1988} } @article{barto82, author = {A. G. Barto and C. W. Anderson and R. S. Sutton}, title = {Synthesis of Nonlinear Control Surfaces by a layered Associative Search Network}, journal = {Biological Cybernetics}, volume = {43}, pages = {175-185}, year = {1982}, keywords = {R12} } @article{barto83, author = "Barto, A.G. and R.S. Sutton and C.W. Anderson", title = "Neuronlike Adaptive Elements That Can Solve Difficult Learning Control Problems", journal = ieeesmc, volume = 13, year = 1983 } @article{barto85, author = {A. G. Barto}, title = {Learning by statistical cooperation of self-interested neuron-like computing elements}, journal = {Human Neurobiology}, volume = {4}, pages = {229-256}, year = {1985}, keywords = {R13} } @article{barto85, author = "Barto, A.G. and P. Anandan", title = "Pattern Recognizing Stochastic Learning Automata", pages = "360--375", journal = ieeesmc, volume = 15, year = 1985 } @inproceedings{barto87, author = "Barto, A.G. and M.I. Jordan", title = "Gradient Following Without Back-Propagation in Layered Networks", pages = "629--636", editor = "M. Caudill and C. Butler", booktitle = icnn, volume = 2, address = "San Diego 1987", publisher = "IEEE, New York", year = 1987 } @incollection{barto91, author = "Barto, A.G. and R.S. Sutton and C.J.C.H. Watkins", title = "Learning and Sequential Decision Making", editor = "M. Gabriel and J.W. Moore", booktitle = "Learning and Computational Neuroscience", publisher = "{MIT} Press", address = "Cambridge", year = 1991 } @InProceedings{barto96, author = {Crites, R.H. and A.G. Barto}, title = {Improving Elevator Performance Using Reinforcement Learning}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, editor = {D.S. Touretzky and M.C. Mozer and M.E. Hasselmo}, volume = 8, year = 1996, pages = {1024-1030} } @inproceedings{barton85, author = {G. E. Barton}, title = {The Computational Difficulty of {ID}/{LP} Parsing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {76-81}, address = {Chicago}, year = {1985}, keywords = {R14} } @inproceedings{baum86, author = "Baum, E.B.", title = "Towards Practical ``Neural'' Computation for Combinatorial Optimization Problems", pages = "53--58", editor = "J.S. Denker", booktitle = snowbird, address = "Snowbird 1986", publisher = "American Institute of Physics, New York", year = 1986 } @inproceedings{baum88, author = "Baum, E.B. and F. Wilczek", title = "Supervised Learning of Probability Distributions by Neural Networks", pages = "52--61", editor = "D.Z. Anderson", booktitle = nips87, address = "Denver 1987", publisher = "American Institute of Physics, New York", year = 1988 } @article{baum89, author = "Baum, E.B. and D. Haussler", title = "What Size Net Gives Valid Generalization?", pages = "151--160", journal = nc, volume = 1, year = 1989 } @inproceedings{baxteretal98, author={J. Baxter and A. Tridgell and L.Weaver }, title={{TDLeaf}($\lambda$): {C}ombining Temporal Difference learning with Game-tree Search. }, booktitle={Proceedings of the Ninth Australian Conference on Neural Networks}, pages={168-172}, year={1998} } @article {beasleyetal93, Author = {D. Beasley and D. R. Bull and R. R. Martin }, year = {1993}, title = {A sequential niche technique for multimodal function optimization}, journal = {Evolutionary Computation}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {101-125} } @InProceedings{beck97, author = {J. Beck}, title = {Modeling the Student with Reinforcement Learning}, booktitle = {Sixth international conference on user modeling}, year = {1997}, } @inproceedings{becker89, author = "Becker, S. and Y. Le Cun", title = "Improving the Convergence of Back-Propagation Learning with Second Order Methods", pages = "29--37", editor = "D. Touretzky and G. Hinton and T. Sejnowski", booktitle = cmss88, address = "Pittsburg 1988", publisher = "Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo", year = 1989 } @inproceedings{beckers:94, author = {Beckers, R. and Holland, O.E. and Deneubourg, J.L.}, title = {From Local Actions to Global Tasks: Stigmergy and Collective Robotics}, booktitle = {Artificial Life IV}, publisher = {{MIT} Press}, editor = {Brooks, R. and Maes, P.}, pages = "181--189", year = 1994 } @InProceedings{beckersetal94, year = 1994, title = "From Local Actions to Global Tasks: Stigmergy and Collective Robotics", author = "Ralph Beckers and Owen E. Holland and Jean Louis Deneubourg", booktitle = "Artificial Life IV", editor = "Rodney Brooks and Pattie Maes", publisher = MIT } @book{beer90, author = {R. 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