Jordan Pollack has worked with quite a few characters...
John Kolen is faculty at
University of West Florida.
Angeline is now a Vice President at Nutechsolutions.
Gregory Saunders is part
of the Schank organization, now at CMU
Edward Large is now faculty at Florida Atlantic University's CCS
Barbara Becker is
Elizabeth Sklar is now faculty at Columbia University
Simon Levy is now faculty at Washington & Lee University
Ofer Melnik is a researcher at DIMACS, Rutgers
Pablo Funes is with Icosystems
Hugues Juille is now with Eurobios.
Richard Watson is doing biology research at Harvard
Greg Hornby is with NASA
Hod Lipson is now faculty at Cornell University
Alan Blair is now faculty at University of New South Wales
Miguel Schneider Fontan is lost
Paul Darwen is at Protagonist design
Edwin Dejong is at University of Utrecht