Prior to that
Evolutionary Computation
I got my PhD at the DEMO lab (advised by
Jordan Pollack). The focus was on
characterizing the role of representation-dependent effects in Evolutionary Computation. Specifically,
I sought to understand the impact of having two independent yet interacting representations
as is the case in coevolutionary algorithms and the developmental evolutionary algorithms.
- Viswanathan, S., The secondary
substrate problem in Co-Evolution and Developmental-Evolution, PhD Dissertation, Brandeis University, May 2007.
- Viswanathan, S. and Pollack, J.B., 2005,
"On the coevolutionary construction of learnable gradients, Coevolutionary and
Coadaptive Systems, AAAI Fall Symposium 2005, Washington D.C. [See my
dissertation for a definitive version of ideas in this paper]
- Viswanathan, S. and Pollack, J.B., 2005, " How Artificial
Ontogenies can retard evolution", SEEDS workshop, at the
2005 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005),
ACM Press, 2005
- Viswanathan, S. and Pollack, J.B., 2005, "
On the robustness
achievable with stochastic development", The 2005 NASA/DoD Conference on
Evolvable Hardware, IEEE Press, 2005
- Viswanathan, S. and Pollack, J.B., 2004, "Towards an
evolutionary-developmental approach for real-world substrates", Proceedings
of the ninth international conference on the simulation and synthesis of living
systems (Artificial Life IX), Boston, USA (September 2004), pp. 45 - 50,
MIT Press
Design for Disassembly (for the design of environment-friendly products)
While getting my MS (advised by Venkat
Allada), I worked on a class of computational and geometric problems that arise in the context of Environment
Conscious Design. Specifically, (a) how can the suitability of a product for post-life disassembly be
automatically and meaningfully evaluated in a principled manner? and (b) how can this evaluation be used
to improve the design?
- Viswanathan, S., and Allada, V., 2006,
Product configuration optimization for disassembly planning: A differential
approach, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science,
Special issue on "Reverse Production Systems: Disassembly and other Reverse
Manufacturing related practices", Vol 34, No. 6, pp 599-616
- Viswanathan, S., and Allada, V., 2001,
Configuration analysis to support product redesign for end-of-life
disassembly, International Journal of Production Research, Vol.
39, No. 8, pp. 1733-1753.
- Viswanathan, S., and Allada, V., 1999,
A framework for the grouping of products for flexible disassembly,
Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 53-66.
- Viswanathan, S., and Allada, V., 2000, Configuration analysis to
support product redesign for end-of-life disassembly,
Proc. ASME DETC - Design for Manufacturing Conference,
Baltimore, MD, Sept. 10-13. [received the
Best Paper award]
- Viswanathan, S., and Allada, V., 1999, Value-based product
structure evaluation for disassembly, Eco-Design'99:
International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and
Inverse Manufacturing, Feb. 1-3, Tokyo, pp. 778-783.
- Investigations in the design of products and factories for end-of-life
disassembly, 2001, M.S. Thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla.