Climb 15

Designed and made by Minoru Abe, circa 1985.
(cardboard box 7+7/8" x 5.5" x 3/4" with
wood tray and 15 wood pieces, 7+7/16" x 5+1/8" x 9/16")

The puzzle has these pieces (a second red T-piece is a keeper piece to be removed):

The directions give four starting positions for the problem of moving the red T-piece to the top:

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

These four problems do not place any constraints on the other pieces of a final position. Here we also consider what we refer to as Problem 2A, which amounts to moving up the T-piece together with the two squares next to it and dropping down the remainder of the starting position:

Climb 15 Solution Problem 1
Here is every other step of a solution of 104 rectilinear moves for Climb 15 problem 1:

Climb 15 Solution Problem 2
Here is every third step of a solution of 132 rectilinear moves for Climb 15 problem 2:

Climb 15 Solution Problem 2A
Here is every third step of a solution of 173 rectilinear moves for Climb 15 problem 2A:

Climb 15 Solution Problem 3
Here is every other step of a solution of 101 rectilinear moves for Climb 15 problem 3:

Climb 15 Solution Problem 4
Here is every third step of a solution of 148 rectilinear moves for Climb 15 problem 4: