"(1046274193924L (id) (\"\" 14427 \"tim\" \"Brad==GraphicsClass\" \"log-tim-Brad==GraphicsClass-1046274193890L\" (239 227 169) #f))" "(1046274194729L () set context (GroupHWEdit))" "(1046274194730L set context (GroupHWChat))" "(1046274195673L (GroupHWEdit GroupTextAreaClient) set-text \";; This is taken from a tutorial at the following website...\\n;; \\n;; This is taken from http://dev.knowledgeassociates.com/Hodglim/Site.nsf/pages/OpenGL?open Lesson5\\n (load \\\"jlib/JLIB.scm\\\") ; here we load the windowing toolkit,\\n (define z (GLWrapper.)) ;; here we create a simple wrapper class for gl4java's animation panel\\n (define w (window \\\"test\\\" z)); here we create a window with the animation canvas inside\\n\\n (define rtri 0.0f) ; these are the angles of the pyramid aqnd cube\\n (define rquad 0.0f); they get updated each time through display\\n\\n ; here we define an initialization procedure (more on this later...)\\n (.init_proc$ z \\n ; this gets called when the canvas is initialized\\n ; right now we use a default initialization that sets the viewpoint, etc.....\\n ; well talk about this nexttime...\\n (lambda R (display (list 'init R))(newline)))\\n \\n ; here we define the display procedure that redraws the screen every time...\\n (.display_proc$ z \\n ;here is the main code.....\\n ; this is called everytime through the animation loop\\n ; at the end it calls \\\"swap buffers\\\" which is like (.repaint c)\\n ; threading is handled by the superclass GLAnimCanvas ....\\n (lambda (this) \\n ;; first we get handles on the OpenGL functions....\\n ;; OpenGL is a huge state machine. Its a box with lots of buttons (thousands)\\n ;; It is highly non-modular, non-object oriented.....\\n ;; All access to the Knobs is through the gl class (and glj for windowing, and glu for GLU package....)\\n ;; the gl class has about a thousand methods like glClear glLoadIdentity, etc. we'll see a few today...\\n\\n (define gl (.gl$ this)) ;; this is how we access all GL functions ...\\n (define glj (.glj$# this)) ;; this is how we access the GLJ functions ...\\n\\n\\n \\n ;; here we clear the canvas, (and there are several buffers we are using COLORBUFFER and DEPTHBUFFER)\\n ;; \\n (.glClear gl (.intValue (| gl4java.GLEnum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT$ gl4java.GLEnum.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT$)))\\n ;; here we initialize the current transformation (just as in the gt\\n (.glLoadIdentity gl) \\n (.glTranslatef gl -1.5f 0.0f -8.0f)\\n (.glRotatef gl rtri 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f)\\n\\n ; draw two faces of a pyramid\\n (.glBegin gl gl4java.GLEnum.GL_POLYGON$)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 0f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 0f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f -1f)\\n\\n (.glEnd gl)\\n\\n ;reset the view\\n (.glLoadIdentity gl)\\n\\n ;moveright and into screen\\n (.glTranslatef gl 1.5f 0f -8f)\\n\\n ; rotate the cube on x,y,z\\n (.glRotatef gl rquad 1f 1f 1f)\\n\\n ;draw 3 faces of a cube\\n (.glBegin gl gl4java.GLEnum.GL_QUADS$)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f 1f -1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f 1f -1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f 1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f 1f 1f)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0.5f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f -1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f -1f)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f 1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f 1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n\\n (.glEnd gl) \\n\\n (set! rtri (+ 0.2f rtri))\\n (set! rquad (+ 0.2f rquad))\\n\\n (.gljSwap glj)\\n ))\\n (.pack w)\\n (.show w)\\n (.init z)\\n (.start z)\\n (.resize w 400 300)\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\" 1)" "(1046274224866L (GroupHWEdit GroupTextAreaClient) set-text \";; This is taken from a tutorial at the following website...\\n;; \\n;; This is taken from http://dev.knowledgeassociates.com/Hodglim/Site.nsf/pages/OpenGL?open Lesson5\\n (load \\\"jlib/JLIB.scm\\\") ; here we load the windowing toolkit,\\n (define z (GLWrapper.)) ;; here we create a simple wrapper class for gl4java's animation panel\\n (define w (window \\\"test\\\" z)); here we create a window with the animation canvas inside\\n\\n (define rtri 0.0f) ; these are the angles of the pyramid aqnd cube\\n (define rquad 0.0f); they get updated each time through display\\n\\n ; here we define an initialization procedure (more on this later...)\\n (.init_proc$ z \\n ; this gets called when the canvas is initialized\\n ; right now we use a default initialization that sets the viewpoint, etc.....\\n ; well talk about this nexttime...\\n (lambda R (display (list 'init R))(newline)))\\n \\n ; here we define the display procedure that redraws the screen every time...\\n (.display_proc$ z \\n ;here is the main code.....\\n ; this is called everytime through the animation loop\\n ; at the end it calls \\\"swap buffers\\\" which is like (.repaint c)\\n ; threading is handled by the superclass GLAnimCanvas ....\\n (lambda (this) \\n ;; first we get handles on the OpenGL functions....\\n ;; OpenGL is a huge state machine. Its a box with lots of buttons (thousands)\\n ;; It is highly non-modular, non-object oriented.....\\n ;; All access to the Knobs is through the gl class (and glj for windowing, and glu for GLU package....)\\n ;; the gl class has about a thousand methods like glClear glLoadIdentity, etc. we'll see a few today...\\n\\n (define gl (.gl$ this)) ;; this is how we access all GL functions ...\\n (define glj (.glj$# this)) ;; this is how we access the GLJ functions ...\\n\\n\\n \\n ;; here we clear the canvas, (and there are several buffers we are using COLORBUFFER and DEPTHBUFFER)\\n ;; \\n (.glClear gl (.intValue (| gl4java.GLEnum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT$ gl4java.GLEnum.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT$)))\\n ;; here we initialize the current transformation (just as in the gt\\n (.glLoadIdentity gl) \\n (.glTranslatef gl -1.5f 0.0f -8.0f)\\n (.glRotatef gl rtri 0.0f 1.0f 0.0f)\\n\\n ; draw two faces of a pyramid\\n (.glBegin gl gl4java.GLEnum.GL_POLYGON$)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 0f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 0f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f -1f)\\n\\n (.glEnd gl)\\n\\n ;reset the view\\n (.glLoadIdentity gl)\\n\\n ;moveright and into screen\\n (.glTranslatef gl 1.5f 0f -8f)\\n\\n ; rotate the cube on x,y,z\\n (.glRotatef gl rquad 1f 1f 1f)\\n\\n ;draw 3 faces of a cube\\n (.glBegin gl gl4java.GLEnum.GL_QUADS$)\\n (.glColor3f gl 0f 1f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f 1f -1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f 1f -1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f 1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f 1f 1f)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0.5f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f -1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f -1f)\\n\\n (.glColor3f gl 1f 0f 0f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f 1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f 1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl -1f -1f 1f)\\n (.glVertex3f gl 1f -1f 1f)\\n\\n (.glEnd gl) \\n\\n (set! rtri (+ 0.2f rtri))\\n (set! rquad (+ 0.2f rquad))\\n\\n (.gljSwap glj)\\n ))\\n (.pack w)\\n (.show w)\\n (.init z)\\n (.start z)\\n (.resize w 400 300)\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\" 1)" "(1046275680225L (quit) \"tim\" \"Brad==GraphicsClass\")"