The Java Dot Notation

The key innovation behind Jscheme is the Java Dot Notation which allows a simple and almost transparent access to the methods, contructors, and fields of all Java classes on the classpath.

SyntaxType of MemberExample
"." at the end constructor(Font. NAME STYLE SIZE)
"." at the beginning instance member(.setFont COMP FONT)
"." at beginning and "$" at the end instance field (define (mycar x) (.first$ x))
(define (myset-car! x y) (.first$ x y))
"." only in the middle static member(Math.round 123.456)
".class" suffix Java classFont.class
"$" at the end static field Font.BOLD$
(set! U.useJavaSyntax$ #t)
"$" in the middle inner classjava.awt.geom.Point2D$Double.class
"$" at the beginning packageless class$ParseDemo.class
"#" at the end allow private access (.name$# (Symbol.# "abc"))

The import statement can be used as in Java to allow the package name to be omitted from classes. The examples in the table above assume that the following classes have been imported:

The following code creates a window with a close button. Java literals are colored with constructors in fuchsia, instance and static methods in red, and class and instance variables in green:

;; Jscheme example 
(import "java.awt.*")
(import "java.awt.event.*")

(define win (Frame. "Hello"))
(define b (Button. "Goodbye"))
(.add win (Label. "Hello")
(define p (Label. 
  (string-append "sin(PI) = " 
    (Math.sin  Math.PI$))))
(.add win b)
(.add win p  BorderLayout.SOUTH$)
(.addActionListener b
  (Listener. (lambda (e)
    (.hide win))))
(.pack win)
(.show win)
(.println System.out$ "Done")
/* Java example */
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Demo {
static public void main(String[] args) {
  final Frame win = new Frame("Hello");
  Button b = new Button("Goodbye");
  win.add(new Label("Hello"),
  Label p = new Label(
   "sin(PI) = "+ 
    new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

Jscheme defines some helper classes for easily specifying event handlers. For Java 1.2, the expression (Listener. (lambda (e) EXPR)) returns an object which implements all of the Java 1.2 Listener interfaces. The action for all methods of these interfaces is to call the lambda expression on the event. Jscheme also provides constructors for Java1.1 listeners (Listener11. F) and Java1.1+Swing (Listener11swing. F). If the code should run under Java1.1, then the Listener11 constructor should be used instead, as we have done here.

The Jscheme code becomes even simpler if we use a high level GUI library, JLIB (written in Jscheme). This file can be loaded either using (load "jlib/JLIB.scm") or using (jlib.JLIB.load). The latter works well inside applets. In the example below, the JLIB procedures are written in blue

;; Jscheme/JLIB example 
(load "jlib/JLIB.scm") ;; load jlib from jscheme.jar file
(define win (window "Hello"
    (north (label "Hello"))
    (center (button "Goodbye" (action (lambda(e) (.hide win)))))
    (south (label (string-append "sin(PI) =" (Math.sin Math.PI$)))))))
(.pack win)
(.show win)
(.println System.out$ "Done")