Yaqin Yang

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I like scientific fictions, when 3d world and 2d world are mixed together.


I graduated from the Department of Computer Science at Brandeis University in 2014. My Phd advisor was awesome Prof. Nianwen Xue. During my Phd study, I worked on applying machine learning and statistical models to Natural Language Processing. Currently, I work at PayPal as a Data Scientist.

My CV.


Publications and Patents

Yaqin Yang and Fransisco Kurniadi. 2015. Server Device Con

gurations Based On Machine Learning. United States Patent P3107US1. (Issued)

Yaqin Yang, Yalin Liu and Nianwen Xue. 2015. Recovering dropped pronouns from Chinese text messages. Proceedigns of ACL. Beijing, China.

Nianwen Xue and Yaqin Yang. 2013. Dependency-based empty category detection via phrase structure trees. Proceedings of NAACL HLT. Atlanta, Georgia. (pdf)

Nianwen Xue, Yuchen Zhang and Yaqin Yang. 2013. Distant annotation of Chinese tense and modality. Proceedings of the Workshop on Annotation of Modal Meaning in Natural Language (WAMM). Potsdam, Germany.

Yaqin Yang and Nianwen Xue. 2012. Chinese comma disambiguation for discourse analysis. Proceedings of ACL. Jeju, Republic of Korea. (pdf)

Elizabeth Baran,  Yaqin Yang and Nianwen Xue. 2012. Annotating dropped pronouns in Chinese newswire text. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Istanbul, Turkey.

Peter Anick, Pengyu Hong, Nianwen Xue,  Yaqin Yang. 2011. Coreference Resolution for Electronic Medical Records. Fifth i2b2/VA/Cincinnati Shared-Task andWorkshop Challenges in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data, Washington, DC.

Yaqin Yang, Nianwen Xue and Peter Anick. 2011. A machine learning-based coreference detection system for OntoNotes. In Procceedings of CoNLL (Shared Task). Portland, Oregon.

Nianwen Xue and Yaqin Yang. 2011. Chinese sentence segmentation as comma classification. Proceedings of ACL (Short Papers). Portland, Oregon. (pdf)

Yaqin Yang and Nianwen Xue. 2010. Chasing the ghost: recovering empty categories in the Chinese Treebank. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING). Beijing, China. (pdf)

Teaching Experiences

Teaching Assistant, Internet and Society Spring 2012

Teaching Assistant, Human-Computer Interaction Fall 2011

Teaching Assistant, Natural Language Processing Systems Fall 2009 Spring 2010

Teaching Assistant, Statistical Approaches to Natural Language Processing Fall 2010

Teaching Assistant, Algorithms to Computational Linguistics Spring 2010