Module std::sliceStable [-] [+] [src]

Utilities for slice manipulation

The slice module contains useful code to help work with slice values. Slices are a view into a block of memory represented as a pointer and a length.

fn main() { // slicing a Vec let vec = vec!(1, 2, 3); let int_slice = vec.as_slice(); // coercing an array to a slice let str_slice: &[&str] = &["one", "two", "three"]; }
// slicing a Vec
let vec = vec!(1, 2, 3);
let int_slice = vec.as_slice();
// coercing an array to a slice
let str_slice: &[&str] = &["one", "two", "three"];

Slices are either mutable or shared. The shared slice type is &[T], while the mutable slice type is &mut[T]. For example, you can mutate the block of memory that a mutable slice points to:

fn main() { let x: &mut[i32] = &mut [1, 2, 3]; x[1] = 7; assert_eq!(x[0], 1); assert_eq!(x[1], 7); assert_eq!(x[2], 3); }
let x: &mut[i32] = &mut [1, 2, 3];
x[1] = 7;
assert_eq!(x[0], 1);
assert_eq!(x[1], 7);
assert_eq!(x[2], 3);

Here are some of the things this module contains:


There are several structs that are useful for slices, such as Iter, which represents iteration over a slice.


A number of traits add methods that allow you to accomplish tasks with slices, the most important being SliceExt. Other traits apply only to slices of elements satisfying certain bounds (like Ord).

An example is the slice method which enables slicing syntax [a..b] that returns an immutable "view" into a Vec or another slice from the index interval [a, b):

fn main() { let numbers = [0, 1, 2]; let last_numbers = &numbers[1..3]; // last_numbers is now &[1, 2] }
fn main() {
    let numbers = [0, 1, 2];
    let last_numbers = &numbers[1..3];
    // last_numbers is now &[1, 2]

Implementations of other traits

There are several implementations of common traits for slices. Some examples include:


The method iter() returns an iteration value for a slice. The iterator yields references to the slice's elements, so if the element type of the slice is isize, the element type of the iterator is &isize.

fn main() { let numbers = [0, 1, 2]; for &x in numbers.iter() { println!("{} is a number!", x); } }
let numbers = [0, 1, 2];
for &x in numbers.iter() {
    println!("{} is a number!", x);



Operations on [u8].



An iterator over a slice in (non-overlapping) chunks (size elements at a time).


An iterator over a slice in (non-overlapping) mutable chunks (size elements at a time). When the slice len is not evenly divided by the chunk size, the last slice of the iteration will be the remainder.


An iterator that yields the element swaps needed to produce a sequence of all possible permutations for an indexed sequence of elements. Each permutation is only a single swap apart.


Immutable slice iterator


Mutable slice iterator.


An iterator that uses ElementSwaps to iterate through all possible permutations of a vector.


An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate function, limited to a given number of splits, starting from the end of the slice.


An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate function, limited to a given number of splits, starting from the end of the slice.


An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate function.


An iterator over the subslices of the vector which are separated by elements that match pred.


An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate function, limited to a given number of splits.


An iterator over subslices separated by elements that match a predicate function, limited to a given number of splits.


An iterator over overlapping subslices of length size.



Data that is viewable as a slice.


Extension methods for slices containing integers.


An extension trait for concatenating slices


Allocating extension methods for slices.



Forms a slice from a pointer and a length.


Performs the same functionality as from_raw_buf, except that a mutable slice is returned.


Forms a slice from a pointer and a length.


Performs the same functionality as from_raw_parts, except that a mutable slice is returned.


Converts a pointer to A into a slice of length 1 (without copying).


Converts a pointer to A into a slice of length 1 (without copying).