My Writings on the Science of Consciousness

The emerging Science of Consciousness is one of the most central current developments. This page is for my own writings on the subject. It covers two periods of writings: 1997-2002 (mostly neurophilosophy and philosophy of subjective realm) and 2017-2019 (learning in neural networks).

Remark on the Alive World. Since our neural representation of the world consists of alive neural processes, all entities in this representation should be considered alive.

Neuroscience and Eastern Philosophy. We show that mainstream neuroscience implies a number of axioms of Eastern philosophy on the illusion of separateness. We also explore a strong version of "All Is One" concept of Eastern philosophy and synchronization effects.

Philosophical Paradigms as Coordinate Systems

Neural Cells as Harmony Detectors

Reading Roger Penrose

On Testing of Short-Term Associative Memory Model Based on Attractors and Attention Mechanism

Mathematical Problems of Holographic Memory in Neural Networks

Digital Retinas and Timing of AI-Induced Singularity

A Mathematical Model of Alternative Realities

On Philosophy of Alternative Realities: How Real Are Phenomena Observed in Alternative Realities?

On Synchronization Effects and Other Collective Effects

Internal Time Behaves As a Square Root of the Age of a Human. As we age, days pass faster. Here is a simple mathematical model of this phenomenon.

Understanding a Hinton Rule. March 26, 2017.
Understanding Recurrent Identity Networks. January 26, 2018.
Regularization in Intrinsically Sparse Networks. March 10, 2019.

A modest proposal on effects and qualia. Pages 3-4 of a December 11, 2019 research note.
A comment for the manuscript "A Paradigm for AI Consciousness" by Michael Edward Johnson. June 2024.

See also Essays by Mishka.

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