Trait core::marker::PhantomFnStable [-] [+] [src]

pub trait PhantomFn<A: ?Sized, R: ?Sized = ()> { }

PhantomFn is a marker trait for use with traits that contain type or lifetime parameters that do not appear in any of their methods. In that case, you can either remove those parameters, or add a PhantomFn supertrait that reflects the signature of methods that compiler should "pretend" exists. This most commonly occurs for traits with no methods: in that particular case, you can extend MarkerTrait, which is equivalent to PhantomFn<Self>.


As an example, consider a trait with no methods like Even, meant to represent types that are "even":

fn main() { trait Even { } }
trait Even { }

In this case, because the implicit parameter Self is unused, the compiler will issue an error. The only purpose of this trait is to categorize types (and hence instances of those types) as "even" or not, so if we were going to have a method, it might look like:

fn main() { trait Even { fn is_even(self) -> bool { true } } }
trait Even {
    fn is_even(self) -> bool { true }

Therefore, we can model a method like this as follows:

fn main() { use std::marker::PhantomFn; trait Even : PhantomFn<Self> { } }
use std::marker::PhantomFn;
trait Even : PhantomFn<Self> { }

Another equivalent, but clearer, option would be to use MarkerTrait:

fn main() { use std::marker::MarkerTrait; trait Even : MarkerTrait { } }
use std::marker::MarkerTrait;
trait Even : MarkerTrait { }


Additional reading

More details and background can be found in RFC 738.
