
Emergency work by Brandeis Facilities Maintenance staff caused the machine room A/C to resume circulating cool air around 16:58 EDT, albeit possibly not at full volume. The resumption of conditioned air circulation combined with emergency cooling procedures and the emergency power-off of approximately 80% of the roughly 60 or so servers and disk arrays in the CS machine room (thereby eliminating the vast majority of heat-producing equipment) has caused the ambient temperature to drop to below 80 degrees, with ambient temperature currently in the high 70s. Staff from Brandeis’ cooling maintenance vendor arrivated shortly before 18:00, and are currently evaluating the in-room and on-roof components of the Liebert AC unit. Once the in-room temperature drops into the low 70s and the maintenance vendor’s staff give us the all-clear to increase load on the A/C unit, we will begin to power machines back on.