What is the Vertica Lounge?

The Vertica Lounge (Volen 104) is a community workspace for computer science students. Many TAs for intro-level CS courses hold office hours here. The Lounge contains several Mac workstations, which are available to be used for homework and projects. Anyone with a CS account can use any of the public workstations at any time, either in Volen or by connecting to these computers remotely using SSH.

All declared COSI majors and minors as well as all the non-declared students enrolled in COSI courses get 247 swipe access to Volen Lobby, Vertica Lounge, and G-zhang Lobby (for bathroom access). If you fall into one of the above categories and are unable to swipe-in, please notify the Computer Science Office (compsci@brandeis.edu) with the number on your ID card, the door you tried to swipe into, and the date and time of the attempt.