Easy Trap

A modification of the Trap puzzle by Minoru Abe, by J. A. Storer, 2020.
(Planned construction for 3d print, 3.5" x 4.7" x 1/2" thick, with cardboard sleeve.)

At first glance this puzzle looks identical to the Trap puzzle by Minoru Abe, but there is a small difference in construction that makes a significant difference to solving. The problem is the same, to exchange 1 with 2 and TRAP with PART:

However, for Trap the size of the little squares 1, 2, T, R, A, P. is more than half the height of the big pieces, and as a consequence cannot pass each other in a region of big piece height. For Easy Trap, the height of the little squares is less than half that of the big pieces. Although any solution for Trap may be used, such as the Hordern solution that uses 9 exchanges, Easy Trap can be solved using only 5 exchanges:

Easy Trap Solution
Here is a solution of 60 rectilinear moves (continued on the next page):

(Easy Trap solution continued)