Package jscheme

The standard API for JScheme.


Interface Summary
SchemeEvaluator Opaque interface for objects that represent an instance of an environment for executing Scheme code.
SchemePair A SchemePair has two fields, first and rest (sometimes called car and cdr).
SchemeProcedure A SchemeProcedure is an object that can be applied to an array of objects or a SchemePair of objects.
SchemeSymbol A SchemeSymbol is an object that can be defined or not.

Class Summary
JS JS - a simple interface to JScheme.
JScheme JScheme - a simple interface to JScheme.
REPL This class implements the three "hard" primitives in Scheme: REPL.readStream(INPUT) -- this returns a enumerator of all scheme terms in the InputStream or Reader.
Shebang Shebang allows Jscheme scripts to be invoked from a UNIX shell.

Exception Summary
SchemeException A jscheme.SchemeException is used to indicate an error in the Scheme interpreter

Package jscheme Description

The standard API for JScheme.

Super Luzer
Last modified: Mon Dec 23 14:26:17 Eastern Standard Time 2002