I direct a research lab called the Dynamical & Evolutionary Machine Organization. My students and I work around the field of "Artificial Life," seeking a fundamental and replicable understanding how Nature can "design" biologically complex machinery. Beyond the optimization achieved by Genetic Algorithms based on a naive acceptance of competition as the primary motivating force, we study the complex dynamics of co-evolutionary machine learning systems, and the interplay between designs which are possible under physical law and those which win the economic game. Achieving open-ended innovation in a distributed population of self-interested learners will have value across both practical and social spheres. But is it still a ways off. So, to prove the value of our increased understanding of self-organization, we also deliver working systems, such as game players, GOLEM robots, and educational software. Visit the DEMO Laboratory for access all my scientific work. I also consult to companies on visionary strategy and on how to limit expectations for AI in products and services. I also have been involved in various start-ups like Abuzz, Thinmail, and Nannon and incubators. Links toall my commercial & public affairs interests are hosted off campus at www.jordanpollack.com Track down former Ph.D. students |