Chronological Publication List for Timothy J. Hickey

(unpublished works are shown in green), (panels are shown in fuchsia and posters in teal).

(click here for publications by arranged by research topics)
(Click here for full-text access to ACM articles)

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |

2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 |

2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |

1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 |

1989 | 1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 |


  1. The Internal Internship: Enabling Novel Opportunities for Undergraduate Data Science Experiential Education
    Jessica Liebowtiz & Timothy Hickey
    Virtual SIGCSE 2024

  2. 2023
  3. Impact of reflection in auto-graders: an empirical study of novice coders
    Fatima Abu Deeb & Timothy Hickey
    Computer Science Education, (2023)
    DOI: 10.1080/08993408.2023.2262877
  4. Student Talent Helps Brandeis Put Data to Work
    Jessica Leibovitz and Tim Hickey
    Trusteeship Magazine, Volume 31, Number 4, July/August 2023
  5. Mastery Learning with Specs Grading for Programming Courses
    Ella Tuson and Tim Hickey
    Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Vol 1. March 2023 Pages 1049–1054 SIGCSE 2023

  6. 2022
  7. Mastery Learning and Specs Grading in Discrete Math.
    Ella Tuson and Tim Hickey
    Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol. 1 (ITiCSE '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 19–25.

  8. 2021
  9. Reflective Debugging with a Python Web IDE
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy J Hickey
    Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science
  10. Reflective Debugging in Spinoza V3. 0
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy J Hickey
    Australasian Computing Education Conference, 2021 125-130

  11. 2020
  12. Identifying Clinically And Functionally Distinct Groups Among Healthy Controls And First Episode Psychosis Patients By Clustering On EEG Patterns
    by Xiaodong Qu, Saran Liukasemsarn, Jingxuan Tu, Amy Higgins, Timothy Hickey, Mei-Hua Hall
    Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020
  13. Using EEG to Distinguish between Writing and Typing for the same Cognitive Task
    by Xiaodong Qu, Qingtian Mei, Peiyan Liu, Timothy Hickey.
    accepted for publication in Brain-Function Assessmentin Learning (BFAL2020) Heraklion, Crete, Oct 2020
  14. Multi-Class Time Continuity Voting for EEG Classification
    by Xiaodong Qu, Peiyan Liu, Zhaonan Li, Timothy Hickey.
    accepted for publication in Brain-Function Assessmentin Learning (BFAL2020) Heraklion, Crete, Oct 2020

  15. 2019
  16. Teaching Introductory Cryptography using a 3D Escape-the-Room Game
    by Fatima Abu Deeb and Timothy Hickey
    2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
    FIE 2019
  17. Refining Skill Classification with Interactive Machine Learning"
    by Kristian Kime, Timothy Hickey, and Rebecca Torrey
    2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference
    FIE 2019
  18. 21st Century Skill Building with Web-based Games
    by William DeRusha and Timothy Hickey
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
    CSEDU 2019
  19. Recursive Pedagogy
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy Hickey
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
    CSEDU 2019
  20. Teaching and assessing debugging, testing, and coding style with Recursive Pedagogy using Spinoza
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy Hickey
    Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
    SIGCSE 2019

  21. 2018
  22. Using Spinoza Log Data to Enhance CS1 Pedagogy
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Antonella DiLillo, Timothy Hickey
    submitted for publication in Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS),
    Springer International Publishing Switzerland,
    submitted to CCIS
  23. EEG Markers of STEM Learning
    by Xiaodong Qu, Venux Yixin Sun, Robert Sekuler, Timothy Hickey
    Frontiers in Education
    FIE 2018
  24. Classroom Orchestration with Problem Solving Markov Models
    by Fatima Abu Deeb and Timothy Hickey
    Frontiers in Education
    FIE 2018
  25. Machine Learning Based Directed Self Study in Calculus with CalcTutor
    by Kristian Kime, Timothy Hickey, and Rebeccah Torrey
    Frontiers in Education
    FIE 2018
  26. A Personalized Reading Coach using Wearable EEG Sensors: A pilot study of brainwave learning ana\ lytics
    by Xiaodong Qu, Mercedes Hall, Yile Sun, Robert Sekuler, Timothy Hickey
    A2E 2018
  27. Using Fine Grained Programming Error Data to Enhance CS1 Pedagogy
    by Fatima Abu Deeb and Timothy Hickey
    CSEDU 2018
  28. SPINOZA: In-class Python Problem Solving with Classroom Orchestration (Abstract Only)
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy Hickey
    Pages: 1112-1112, doi>10.1145/3159450.3162201
    SIGCSE 2018

  29. 2017
  30. The Calculus Dashboard - leveraging intelligent tutor techniques to provide automated fine-grained student assessment
    by Kristian Kime, Timothy Hickey, and Rebecca Torrey
    Frontiers in Education
    FIE 2017
  31. Flipping Introductory Programming Classes using Spinoza and Agile Pedagogy
    by Fatima Abe Deeb and Timothy Hickey
    Frontiers in Education
    FIE 2017
  32. Groupwork: Learning During Collaborative Assessment Activities
    by William Tarimo and Tim Hickey

  33. 2016
  34. Catching audiovisual interactions with a first-person fisherman video game,
    by Yile Sun, Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Timothy Hickey, Robert Sekuler
    DOI: 10.1177/0301006616682755
  35. Measuring and Visualizing Learning with Markov Models
    by Fatima Abu Deeb, Kristian Kime, Rebecca Torrey, and Timothy Hickey
    Frontiers in Education
  36. Fully Integrating Remote Students into a Traditional Classroom using Live-Streaming and TeachBack
    by William Tarimo and Timothy Hickey
    Frontiers in Education
  37. Early Detection of At-risk Students in CS1 Using Teachback/Spinoza,
    by William T. Tarimo, Fatima Abu Deeb, Timothy J. Hickey
  38. A Flipped Classroom With and Without Computers
    by William T Tarimo, Fatima Abu Deeb, and Timothy J. Hickey
    Computer Supported Education, CCIS vol 583, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016
    CCIS 16
  39. Building Bridges Between Science Courses Using Honors Organic Chemistry Projects
    by Timothy J. Hickey and Jason K. Pontrello
    The Journal of College Science Teaching 46(1), 2016

  40. 2015
  41. Policing Fish at Boston's Museum of Science: Studying Audiovisual Interaction in the Wild
    by Hannah Goldberg, Yile Sun, Timothy J. Hickey, Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, and Robert Sekuler.
    i-Perceptions, 2015, 6(3) 1-11. DOI: 10.1177/2041669515599332
  42. CalcTutor: Applying the Teachers Dilemma Methodology to Calculus Pedagogy
    by Kristian Kime, Rebecca Torrey, and Timothy Hickey
  43. Computers in the CS1 Classroom
    by Timothy Hickey, Fatima Abu Deeb, and William Tarimo
  44. Spinoza: the Code Tutor
    by Fatima Abu Deeb and Timothy Hickey
  45. Adopting a "Flipped" Interactive Pedagogy Using Teachback
    by Timothy J. Hickey and William T. Tarimo
    Tutorial in CCSCNE'15
  46. The Spinoza Code Tutor
    by Fatima Abu Deeb and Timothy J. Hickey
    Poster in CCSCNE'15

  47. 2014
  48. The Affective Tutor
    by Timothy Hickey and William Tarimo
    the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 29(6), pp. 50-56, 2014.

  49. 2013
  50. The Entrepreneur’s Bootcamp: A New Model For Teaching Web/Mobile Development and Software Entrepreneurship
    by Timothy Hickey and Pito Salas
    SIGCSE’13, March 6–9, 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA. , 2013.
  51. Physics-based 3D Game Design as a First Course in Computing
    by Timothy Hickey
    the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, pp. 35-41, vol 28 no 6, 2013,

  52. 2012
  53. CollabEd: a Platform for Collaboratizing Existing Editors
    by Kenroy Granville and Timothy Hickey
    International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning , 2009. Best Paper Award.
    doi: 10.1109/eLmL.2009.20

  54. 2008
  55. Visualization and Interactive Exploration of High Dimensional Datasets
    by John T. Langton, Elizabeth Gifford, and Timothy Hickey
    in "Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biology: Current Trends and Open Problems,", Smolinski, Milanova, Hassanien (eds), Springer, 2008, pp 231-255.

  56. 2007
  57. NeuroVis: combining dimensional stacking and pixelization to visually explore, analyze, and mine multidimensional multivariate data by John T. Langton, Astrid Prinz, and Timothy J. Hickey
    Proceedings of SPIE; Visualization and Data Analysis 2007 (VDA 2007),
    Volume 6495, pages 64950H-1 to 64950H-12, SPIE and IS\&T, 2007.

  58. 2006
  59. Structure and visualization of high-dimensional conductance spaces
    by Adam Taylor, Timothy Hickey, Astrid Prinz, and Eve Marder
    J Neurophysiol 96: 891-905, 2006
  60. Combining pixelization and dimensional stacking
    by John T. Langton, Astrid Prinz, and Timothy J. Hickey
    ISVC 2006
  61. Leveraging Layout with Dimensional Stacking and Pixelization to Facilitate Feature Discovery and Directed Queries (pdf, 360K)
    by John T. Langton, David K Wittenberg and Timothy J. Hickey
    the Proceedings of View 2006 4/24-25/2006, Paris, France
  62. Modeling Hysteresis in CLIP - The Tank Flow Problem (pdf, 290K)
    by David K Wittenberg and Timothy J. Hickey
    in the Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing 2/22-24/2006, Savannah, GA.
  63. NeuroVis: combining dimensional stacking an pixelization to interactively visualize multidimensional, multivariate data.
    poster presented at Infovis 2006
    by John T. Langton, Astrid Prinz, and Timothy J. Hickey
  64. Extending pixelization and dimensional stacking to 3D for interactive visualization and analysis of multidimensional data
    by John Langton and Timothy J. Hickey
    (unpublished technical report)
  65. NeuroVis: exploring interaction techniques by combining dimensional stacking and pixelization to visualize multidimensional multivariate data
    by John T. Langton, Astrid Prinz, and Timothy J. Hickey
    unpublished manuscript

  66. 2005
  67. The Design, Implementation, and Application of the GrewpEdit Tool (pdf, 256K)
    by Kenroy Granville and Timothy J. Hickey
    Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2005, pp. 14-16.
  68. Collaborative Learning: Collaborative Depth
    by Svetlena Taneva, Richard Alterman, and Timothy Hickey
    (pdf, 608KB)
    pp 2156-2161, Proceedings of CogSci2005 the XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 7/21/2005, Stresa, Italy.
  69. Dimension Stacking Visualization of Conductance Space Models of a Neuron
    by John Langton, David Wittenberg, Adam Taylor, Astrid Prinz, and Timothy J. Hickey
    unpublished manuscript.

  70. 2004
  71. Enhancing CS Programming Lab Courses using Collaborative Editors
    with John Langton, Kenroy Granville, and Richard Alterman
    Journal of Computing Sciences in Small Colleges, volume 20, number 3, pp. 157-167, 2004. ((pdf, 800K),
  72. Scheme-based Web Programming as a Basis for a CS0 Curriculum (83K, pdf)
    SIGCSE 2004 (March 3-7,2004) , Norfolk, VA, pp. 353-357, 2004.
  73. Rigorous Modeling of Hybrid Systems using Interval Arithmetic Constraints
    with David Wittenberg
    Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, pp. 402-416.
    HSCC 2004, (25-27 March 2004) Philadelphia, PA
  74. Using Analytic CLP to Model and Analyze Hybrid Systems
    with David Wittenberg
    FLAIRS 2004 (May 17-19,2004), Miami Beach, FL
  75. Integrating Tools and Resources: a case study in building educational groupware for collaborative programming --
    with J. Langton and R. Alterman. (pdf, 655K)
    The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 19(5), pp. 140-153, May 2004
    presented at CCSCNE 2004 (23-24 April 2004) Schenectady, NY
  76. "A Scheme-based Web Programming Approach to Computer Literacy"
    Journal of Functional Programming 14:475-488 Cambridge University Press, 2004.

  77. 2003
  78. GREWPtool: a System for Studying Online Collaborative Learning
    with S. Taneva, R. Alterman, K. Granville, M. Head
    Brandeis University Technical Report CS-03-239.
  79. Enhancing CS Programming Lab Courses using Replayable Collaborative Editors
    with J. Langton, K. Granville, and R. Alterman.
    Brandeis University Technical Report CS-03-238.
  80. Groupware
    with Alex Feinman,
    article in the Encyclopedia of Human Computer Interaction

  81. 2002

  82. Incorporating Scheme-based Web Programmming into Computer Literacy Courses (pdf 164KB)
    T. Hickey
    the Scheme2002 workshop, 10/3/2002, Pittsburg, PA.
  83. Incorporating Scheme-based Web Programmming into Computer Literacy Courses
    T. Hickey, This is an early version of the Scheme 2002 paper, available as a tech report: (ps 148KB) (ps.gz 64KB) (pdf 148KB)
    Tech. Rep. CS-02-224, CS Dept., Brandeis University, 5/2002.

  84. Modeling Hybrid Systems using Analytic Constraint Logic Programming (.ps 210K)
    T.J. Hickey, D.K. Wittenberg

  85. Jscheme Web Programming for CS0, (.ps, 104K) (.ps.gz, 45K)
    T. Hickey
    Tech. Rep. CS-02-223, CS Dept., Brandeis University, 5/2002.

  86. TA Groupware, (.ps, 1,775K) (.ps.gz, 76K)
    T. Hickey, R. Alterman, J. Langton,
    Tech. Rep. CS-02-222, CS Dept., Brandeis University, 5/2002.

  87. 2001

  88. "Interval Arithmetic: from Principles to Implementation",
    T. Hickey, Q. Ju, M.H. van Emden,
    Journal of the ACM, volume 48, issue 5, pp. 1038-1068, September 2001.
  89. "Metalevel Interval Arithmetic and Verifiable Constraint Solving",
    T. Hickey
    Journal of Functional and Logic Programming,vol 2001, no 7, Oct. 2001.
  90. "TA-Tool" (.txt)
    Timothy J. Hickey, Richard Alterman, and John Langton
    Faculty Poster SIGCSE 2002 conference.
  91. "Internet Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum"
    Amruth Kumar, Kevin Hufford, Timothy Hickey, Linda Wilkens, Aparna Mahadev, Andrew Beiderman,
    Panel position statements SIGCSE 2002.
  92. "Internet Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum",
    A. Kumar, K. Hufford, J. Bergin, T. Hickey, L. Wilkens,
    The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, vol. 17, no 3, Feb 2002, pp. 39-43.
    Panel position statements presented at ESCCC'01 conference.

  93. "Internet-Centric Curriculum",
    A. Kumar, K. Hufford, J. Bergin, T. Hickey,
    The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, vol. 16, no 4, May 2001, pp. 45-49.
    Panel position statements presented at CCSCNE'01 conference.


  94. "Silk: A Playful Combination of Scheme and Java"
    by Ken Anderson, Timothy J. Hickey, and Peter Norvig
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Scheme and Function Programming , pp 13-22
    Rice University, CS Dept. Technical Report 00-368, September 2000.

  95. "Constraint-Based Termination Analysis for Cyclic Rule Activation in Active Databases"
    by Saumya Debray and Timothy Hickey,
    Proc. DOOD'2000: 6th. International Conference on Rules and Objects in Databases, July 2000, pp. 1121-1136. Springer LNAI vol. 1861.
  96. T. Hickey, Z. Qiu, and M.H. van Emden,
    "Interval Constraint Plotting for Interactive Visual Exploration of Implicitly Defined Relations"
    Reliable Computing Vol. 6, No. 1, 2000, pp. 81-92,
    as part of a special issue on Reliable Geometric Computations,


  97. T. Hickey, "Analytic Constraint Solving and Interval Arithmetic",
    Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN Symposium
    on Principles of Programming Languages
  98. T. Hickey, "CLIP: a CLP(Intervals) Dialect for Metalevel Constraint Solving",
    Proceedings of PADL'00. Springer-Verlag, "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", vol. 1753, 2000.
  99. K. Anderson, T. Hickey, "Reflecting Java Through Scheme",
    Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Metalevel Architectures and Reflection (Reflection'99), Saint-Malo, France, July 19-21,1999;
    Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1616, pp. 154-174, 1999.
  100. T. Hickey, D. Wittenberg, Validated Constraint Contraction,
    CP'99 poster paper, 2pp.

  101. T. Hickey, D. Wittenberg, Validated Constraint Contraction, (.ps.gz, 72K),
    Brandeis CS Tech. Report CS-99-201, 17pp., April, 1999.


  102. T.J. Hickey, M.H. van Emden, H. Wu, "A Unified Framework for Interval Constraints and Interval Arithmetic",
    in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming -- CP98
    Michael Maher and Jean-Francois Puget (eds.), Springer-Verlag,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 1520, pp. 250-264, 1998
  103. 1998, T. Hickey, P. Norvig, K. Anderson, "LISP - a Language for Internet Scripting and Programming",
    in LUGM'98: The 40th Anniversary of LISP: Lisp in the Mainstream, Nov. 1998, Berkeley, CA.


  104. T. Hickey, Q. Ju, "Efficient Implementation of Interval Arithmetic Narrowing Using IEEE Arithmetic, (.ps.gz, 64K),
    Unnumbered Tech Report, Mar. 1997.


  105. T. Hickey, Q. Ju. "Fast, Sound, and Precise Narrowing of the Exponential Function," (.ps.gz, 128K),
    Unnumbered Tech Report, Mar. 1996.



  106. T. Hickey, "CLP(F) and Constrained ODEs", (.ps.gz, 64K),
    in Proceedings of the Workshop on Constraint Languages and their use in Problem Modelling,
    Editors Jourdan, Lim, Yap, ECRC Technical Report ECRC-94-38 (defunct), pp. 69-79, Nov. 1994.
  107. D. Smith, T. Hickey, "Multi-SLD Resolution,"
    Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning, 5th International Conference, LPAR'94,
    Frank Pfenning (Ed.): Kiev, Ukraine, July 16-22, 1994, Proceedings.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 822, Springer-Verlag, pp. 260-274, 1994.



  108. T. Hickey, J. Cohen, H. Hotta, T. Petitjean, ``Computer Assisted Microanalysis of Parallel Programs,'' {\em ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,} Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan. 1992, pp. 54-106.
  109. Z. G. Mou, C. Constantinescu, and T. Hickey. Optimal mapping of divideand -conquer algorithms to mesh connected parallel architectures.
    In Proceedings International Computer Symposium,
    pages 273--284. Taiwan, 1992.
  110. Z.G. Mou, C. Constantinescu, T. Hickey, "Divide and Conquer on a 3 Dimensional Mesh,"
    Proceedings of Parallel Computing: From Theory to Sound Practice
    by the European Workshop on Parallel Computing,
    Barcelona, Spain, pp. 344-355, IOS Press, March 1992.
  111. A. Huang, Z. G. Mou, T. Hickey, "Parallel Recurrence Transformation",
    in Proceedings of the First Annual Summer Institute on
    "Issues and Obstacles in the Practical Implementation of Parallel Algorithms and the Use of Parallel Machines,"

    Dartmouth, June 1992.


  112. T. Hickey, D. Smith, "Toward the Partial Evaluation of Constraint Logic Programs,"
    in Proceedings of the Symposium on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation,
    Yale University, New Haven, CT, pp. 43-51, ACM Press, Jun. 17-19, 1991.


  113. D. Smith, T. Hickey, "Partial Evaluation of a CLP language,"
    in Proceedings of the 1990 North American Conference in Logic Programming, ed. S. Debray, M. Hermenegildo, pp. 119-138, 1990.


  114. T. Hickey, "CLP* and Constraint Abstraction,"
    in 16th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
    Austin, TX, pp. 125-133, ACM Press, Jan. 11-13, 1989.
  115. T. Hickey, S. Mudambi, "Global Compilation of Prolog," Journal of Logic Programming, 7(3), pp. 193-230, 1989.


  116. T. Hickey, J. Cohen, "Automating Program Analysis,"
    Journal of the ACM, 35(1), pp. 185-220, 1988.


  117. J. Cohen, T. Hickey, "Parsing and Compiling Using Prolog,"
    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 125-163, 1987.


  118. J. Cohen, T. Hickey, "New Directions in Program Microanalysis,"
    Invited paper in "Computers and Computing" (ed. Chenin, et. al.) John Wiley and Sons, 193-202, 1986.
  119. T. Hickey, "On the Fourier--Jacobi coefficients of certain Eisenstein series for a unitary group,"
    Doctoral Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1986. (abstract, 2K) (, 51K, 10pp) (, 357K, 142pp)

    This dissertation is referenced in the paper by Atsushi MURASE and Takashi SUGANO
    Fourier-Jacobi Expansion of Eisenstein Series on Unitary Groups of Degree Three in
    J. Math Sci. Univ Tokyo
    9 (2002) 347-404 where they prove a similar result for a more general adele group.



  120. T. Hickey, J. Cohen, "Performance Analysis of On-the-fly Garbage Collection,"
    Communications of the ACM 27(11), 1143-1154, 1984.


  121. T. Hickey, J. Cohen, "Uniform Random Generation of Strings in a Context-free Language,"
    SIAM Journal of Computing 12(4), 645-655, 1983.


  122. J. Cohen, T. Hickey, J. Katcoff, "Upper Bounds for Speed-Up in Parallel Parsing,"
    Journal of the ACM 29(2), 408-428, 1982.




  123. J. Cohen, T. Hickey, "Two Algorithms for Determining the Volume of Convex Polyhedra,"
    Journal of the ACM 26(3), 401-414, 1979.