Rust by Example

49.1 Argument parsing

Matching can be used to parse simple arguments:

#![feature(core)] #![feature(env)] use std::env; fn increase(number: i32) { println!("{}", number + 1); } fn decrease(number: i32) { println!("{}", number - 1); } fn help() { println!("usage: match_args <string> Check whether given string is the answer. match_args {{increase|decrease}} <integer> Increase or decrease given integer by one."); } fn main() { let args: Vec<String> = env::args().map(|x| x.to_string()) .collect(); match args.as_slice() { // no arguments passed [ref name] => { println!("My name is '{}'. Try passing some arguments!", name); }, // one argument passed [_, ref string] => { if string.as_slice() == "42" { println!("This is the answer!"); } else { println!("This is not the answer."); } }, // one command and one argument passed [_, ref cmd, ref num] => { // parse the number let number: i32 = match num.parse() { Ok(n) => { n }, Err(_) => { println!("error: second argument not an integer"); help(); return; }, }; // parse the command match cmd.as_slice() { "increase" => increase(number), "decrease" => decrease(number), _ => { println!("error: invalid command"); help(); }, } }, // all the other cases _ => { // show a help message help(); } } }
$ ./match_args Rust
This is not the answer.
$ ./match_args 42
This is the answer!
$ ./match_args do something
error: second argument not an integer
match_args <string>
    Check whether given string is the answer.
match_args {increase|decrease} <integer>
    Increase or decrease given integer by one.
$ ./match_args do 42
error: invalid command
match_args <string>
    Check whether given string is the answer.
match_args {increase|decrease} <integer>
    Increase or decrease given integer by one.
$ ./match_args increase 42

For implementing more complicated, unix-like command line interfaces see the getopts example.