Rust by Example

44 Filesystem Operations

The std::io::fs module contains several functions that deal with the filesystem.

#![feature(io)] #![feature(path)] use std::old_io::fs; use std::old_io::fs::PathExtensions; use std::old_io::{File, IoResult, USER_RWX}; // A simple implementation of `% cat path` fn cat(path: &Path) -> IoResult<String> { File::open(path).and_then(|mut f| f.read_to_string()) } // A simple implementation of `% echo s > path` fn echo(s: &str, path: &Path) -> IoResult<()> { File::create(path).and_then(|mut f| f.write_str(s)) } // A simple implementation of `% touch path` (ignores existing files) fn touch(path: &Path) -> IoResult<()> { if !path.exists() { File::create(path).and_then(|_| Ok(())) } else { Ok(()) } } fn main() { println!("`mkdir a`"); // Create a directory, returns `IoResult<()>` match fs::mkdir(&Path::new("a"), USER_RWX) { Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind), Ok(_) => {}, } println!("`echo hello > a/b.txt`"); // The previous match can be simplified using the `unwrap_or_else` method echo("hello", &Path::new("a/b.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| { println!("! {:?}", why.kind); }); println!("`mkdir -p a/c/d`"); // Recursively create a directory, returns `IoResult<()>` fs::mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("a/c/d"), USER_RWX).unwrap_or_else(|why| { println!("! {:?}", why.kind); }); println!("`touch a/c/e.txt`"); touch(&Path::new("a/c/e.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| { println!("! {:?}", why.kind); }); println!("`ln -s ../b.txt a/c/b.txt`"); // Create a symbolic link, returns `IoResult<()>` fs::symlink(&Path::new("../b.txt"), &Path::new("a/c/b.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| { println!("! {:?}", why.kind); }); println!("`cat a/c/b.txt`"); match cat(&Path::new("a/c/b.txt")) { Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind), Ok(s) => println!("> {}", s), } println!("`ls a`"); // Read the contents of a directory, returns `IoResult<Vec<Path>>` match fs::readdir(&Path::new("a")) { Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind), Ok(paths) => for path in paths.iter() { println!("> {}", path.display()); }, } println!("`walk a`"); // Recursively walk over the contents of a directory, returns // `Directories`, which implements the `Iterator<Path> trait match fs::walk_dir(&Path::new("a")) { Err(why) => println!("! {:?}", why.kind), Ok(paths) => for path in paths { println!("> {}", path.display()); }, } println!("`rm a/c/e.txt`"); // Remove a file, returns `IoResult<()>` fs::unlink(&Path::new("a/c/e.txt")).unwrap_or_else(|why| { println!("! {:?}", why.kind); }); println!("`rmdir a/c/d`"); // Remove an empty directory, returns `IoResult<()>` fs::rmdir(&Path::new("a/c/d")).unwrap_or_else(|why| { println!("! {:?}", why.kind); }); }

You won't be able to run the previous code, because the playpen doesn't allow file operations. Here's the expected successful output:

$ rustc && ./fs
`mkdir a`
`echo hello > a/b.txt`
`mkdir -p a/c/d`
`touch a/c/e.txt`
`ln -s ../b.txt a/c/b.txt`
`cat a/c/b.txt`
> hello
`ls a`
> a/b.txt
> a/c
`walk a`
> a/c
> a/c/b.txt
> a/c/e.txt
> a/c/d
> a/b.txt
`rm a/c/e.txt`
`rmdir a/c/d`

And the final state of the a directory is:

$ tree a
|-- b.txt
`-- c
    `-- b.txt -> ../b.txt

1 directory, 2 files