Rust by Example

19.3 Structs

Explicit lifetimes are also required in structs that hold references.

// First attempt: No explicit lifetimes // Error! Compiler needs explicit lifetime //struct Singleton { //one: &mut int, //} // TODO ^ Try uncommenting this struct // Second attempt: Add lifetimes to all the references struct Pair<'a, 'b> { one: &'a mut i32, two: &'b mut i32, } fn main() { // Let's say that `one` has lifetime `o` let mut one = 1; { // And that `two` has lifetime `t` // `two` has a shorter (and different) lifetime than `one` (`'t < 'o`) let mut two = 2; println!("Before: ({}, {})", one, two); // `Pair` gets specialized for `'a = 'o` and `'b = 't` let pair = Pair { one: &mut one, two: &mut two }; * = 2; *pair.two = 1; println!("After: ({}, {})",, pair.two); } }